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2023-11-10 15:19:08来源:有考网



sports competition season

How bad was last season, losing in the conference finals after a record-setting regular season?
上赛季常规赛取得创纪录战绩却止步东区决赛,那种感觉会不会很糟糕?How bad was last season, losing in the conference finals after a record-setting regular season?
上赛季常规赛取得创纪录战绩却止步东区决赛,那种感觉会不会很糟糕?The striker Davor Suker will move from Seville to Real Madrid next season.
前锋达沃.苏克尔下个赛季将从塞维利亚队转会到皇家马德里队。I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season.
上半赛季我一直走背运。Greg has been warming the bench all season long.
格雷格在整个赛季里一直是坐替补席。 Liverpool finished the season(at the)top of the football league.
利物浦队在该赛季足球联赛中独占鳌头. Gates are down on last season.
上个赛季观众人数减少了。His form this season has been brilliant.
他这一赛季状态非常不错。How many goals has he missed this season?
这个赛季他射丢了多少个球? A team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season.

n. 体育运动
v. 故意显示;引人注目地穿戴;嬉戏

n. 比赛;竞争;竞争对手;竞争产品

The competition is relentless.
竞争是无情的。The competition of this kind of not complete, imparity is competition of a kind of forestall.
这种不完全、不平等的竞争就是一种垄断竞争。The competition is very strong this time.

n. 季节;时节;节期,时令
v. 给…调味;风干;(使)适应;(使)习惯

season cracking
风干裂缝, 应力腐蚀裂纹, 季裂 shooting season
狩猎期 This is not the season for harvest.

相关内容: 赛季的英文怎么说


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