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2023-11-06 10:14:32来源:有考网



adverse impact

A price hike now would accelerate growth with minimal negative feedback, Glass said.
格拉斯说,(星巴克)现在涨价能在负面影响小的情况下加速发展。It can do more harm than good to the accomplishment of organizational goals.
它给组织目标实现所带来的负面影响将超过其正面影响。Raise public awareness of the negative aspects of smuggling.
提高公众对走私负面影响的认识。Enrollment isn’t the only issue adversely affected by discrimination.
入学率并不是唯一受歧视负面影响的问题。"But if the competition spins out of control, the negative effects must not be overlooked."
但竞争过了头,则其负面影响就不容忽视。There are several hidden factors that can adversely affect a team"s attitude.
有几个潜在的因素会对团队态度产生负面影响。The emergence of China has unavoidably led to short-term disruptions in the economies of many countries.
中国的崛起对一些国家的经济产生短期的负面影响是不可避免的。Residual chlorine must be virtually nonexistent since it adversely affects the flavor of the drink.
事实上不允许残留氯存在,它会负面影响饮料的风味。Normal tourism is often bad for the environment, and tourists often cause problems.
一般的旅行往往对环境有负面影响,旅客常引起一些问题。We should discuss the project further respecting the possible side effects.

adj. 不利的;有害的;相反的,逆的;敌对的

Adversity reveals genius
疾风知劲草In prosperity think of adversity
居安思危A friend is best found in adversity
患难见真友Adversity leads to prosperity
穷则思变Adversity is a good discipline

n. 冲击;冲击力;影响
v. 压紧;对…产生影响;冲击

A vast crowd impacted the square.
广场上挤集了一大群人。darcy impact pressure tube
达喂力管 cadaver impact test
尸体碰撞试验 Surging crowds impacted the theatre.
蜂拥的人群挤满了剧场。How will the war impact on such a poet?

相关内容: 负面影响的英文怎么说


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