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2023-10-06 10:41:55来源:有考网




Domestic tribulations
家庭负担。The expenses for arbitration shall be borne by the claimant.
仲裁费用将由原告负担。It is a tribute to the capacity of the kidneys to excrete alkali.
这对肾脏排碱功能是个负担。Severe demand on one"s mental or physical strength,resources,abilities,etc
对智力、体力、财力、能力等的严格要求;负担;压力This job is a millstone around my neck.
这个工作简直对我是一种负担a heavy load;figuratively it applies to what is burdensome or oppressive to the spirit
重负);它喻指精神压抑的或难于负担的Birdwatching is a hobby that allows you to enjoy the wonders of nature without an excessive commitment of time or money.
观鸟是一种允许你享受自然界奇迹但没有太多时间和财力负担的爱好。Are you able to afford the basic expenses of keeping a cat including cat food, cat litter, proper vaccination?
你能否负担养猫的基本开支包括食物、猫砂、适当的防疫注射?The cost reduction achieved in this way will benefit patients and the society in burden alleviation.
集中招标采购降低的采购成本要让利于患者,减轻社会负担。Shrug off a Burden.

n. 肩膀;衣肩;路肩;山肩
v. 担负,承担;挑,扛,掮

The men marched shoulder to shoulder.
战士们并肩前进。Rub shoulders with
点头之交...shoulder of lamb.
小羊的前腿连肩肉。shoulder cutter
切割猪肩肉用的圆盘刀 to bear; to shoulder; to undertake; to assume

n. 负担;责任
v. 使烦恼;使负担

Light Burdens far heavy
远途无轻担The Burden on likes is cheerfully Borne
爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松They were burdened with heavy taxation.
他们负担重税。 I will not burden you with a lot of questions.
我不会提许多问题来烦扰你的。 He was burdened with trouble.

相关内容: 负担的英文怎么说


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