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2023-03-10 15:25:15来源:互联网






Good morning, all appraises committee members.

I am ___ and my supervisor is ___. The title of my paper is____.

接下来,一般要做一个大概十分钟的presentation 在答辩前可从以下角度去考虑准备答辩:

1、自己为什么选择这个课题? 2、研究这个课题的意义和目的是什么? 3、全文的基本框架、基本结构是如何安排的? 4、全文的各部分之间逻辑关系如何? 5、在研究本课题的过程中,发现了那些不同见解?对这些不同的意见,自己是怎样逐步认识的?又是如何处理的? 6、论文虽未论及,但与其较密切相关的问题还有哪些? 7、还有哪些问题自己还没有搞清楚,在论文中论述得不够透彻? 8、写作论文时立论的主要依据是什么?对以上问题应仔细想一想,必要时要用笔记整理出来,写成发言提纲,在答辩时用。




论文答辩是学生学习结束时必不可少的一个环节。其目的是考查学生:1.能否听懂并正确理解老师提问的主旨; 2.答辩是否深刻、有力和流畅; 3.对论文观点阐述得是否透彻; 4.是否了解与论文有关的知识。 学生通过积极准备论文答辩不仅可以增长知识,温故知新,而且可以拓宽和加深专业知识,提高自己的能力。

2毕业论文答辩英文自我介绍 Good evening, all the appraiser committee members. I come from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am *** and my supervisor is prof.***. With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year s hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style

in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothic literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this short story we can know more about American southern women in certain history and culture and more importantly help women in modern society get a deeper understanding about ourselves ,help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health.

Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .

This paper consists of six parts. Part one presents an introduction to the author William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily by pointing out the purpose and significance of this study. Part two is literature review which introduces the relevant research about this novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretical basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothic tradition in literature and explains the main characteristics of gothic works. Part four explains the three aspects of the gothic style in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque characters and mystic atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily s attitude towards love. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes the previous parts and emphasizes the significance of the argument of the thesis again.

Ok, that s all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you

3英语专业毕业论文答辩必备 1、成立若干答辩小组,每个答辩小组应至少由3位教师组成,其中1人为组长,负责毕业论文()答辩的具体组织工作,并由学院指派1名秘书负责记录工作。答辩结束后,答辩小组对学生的毕业论文(设计)及答辩情况等写出评语、确定成绩。答辩工作完成后,教务处将聘请有关专家、老师(或寄送外校)对毕业论文(设计)进行抽查和复评(抽查面约10%),并以适当形式公布抽查和复评结果。

2、 毕业论文(设计)指导教师应按教务处时间要求交学生的毕业论文(设计)、指导教师的评阅意见及评分,由教务将这些资料转交给答辩组。答辩组长指定一位老师作为评阅教师,填写毕业论文(设计)评语的 评阅教师评语 部分。









4答辩用英语怎么说 答辩的英语说法1:







the right of public reply;


graduation oral examination



1. Her plea of guilty to manslaughter through provocation was rejected.她因受到挑衅而过失杀人的有罪答辩被驳回。

2. The judge questioned him about his guilty plea.法官就他的认罪答辩进行审问。


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