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阿根廷的英文 argentina是什么意思

2023-10-10 14:06:21来源:有考网




7he Argentinian capital Buenos Aires was the setting for the final Grand Prix races of the 500cc,250cc and 125cc season.
阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯是本赛季500cc、250cc和125cc大奖赛最后一站的比赛场地。Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories,which have a metaphysical,fantastic quality.
博格斯,若热·路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奥和富于想象力的短篇小说而尤为著名。Argentina"s economic policies were a hopeless mess.
阿根廷的经济政策糟得一塌糊涂。The data on Argentine incomes are sparse.
有关阿根廷国民收入的资料不多。 The Communist Party of Argentina was formed in 1918.
阿根廷共产党于1918年建立。Argentina"s erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.
阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。It"s from, I"ve nearly got it, er, argentina.
那是来自,呃,记起来了,阿根廷。Argentina, the second largest nation, remained in melancholy stagnation and disarray.
第二大国阿根廷则仍处于可悲的停滞不前和一片混乱之中。 I do not follow Argentina"s basketball because they do not televise the games here.
我不很了解阿根廷篮球因为这里不转播。South America has one too, squeezed in the tight embrace of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.

n. 阿根廷

Argentina"s economic policies were a hopeless mess.
阿根廷的经济政策糟得一塌糊涂。Argentina, the second largest nation, remained in melancholy stagnation and disarray.
第二大国阿根廷则仍处于可悲的停滞不前和一片混乱之中。 South America has one too, squeezed in the tight embrace of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.
南美洲也有这样的人,他们压榨着阿根廷,玻利维亚和巴西。Argentina"s erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.
阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。It"s from, I"ve nearly got it, er, argentina.

相关内容: 阿根廷的英文


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