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开门的英文怎么说 开门的英文例句

2023-09-28 10:04:41来源:有考网



open (the) door

One sin opens the door for another.
一个罪恶常为另一个罪恶开门。She leads the way to the door, and holds it open for him.
她先走到门口,给他拉开门。They group near the shop when it is about to open.
那商店快开门时,他们聚集在它附近。She opened the door and came in, her eyes leaking isolated and unpunctual tears.
她开门进来,眼里不时流出颗颗泪珠。Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays?
这家店平日是早上9点开门吗?There will be great discounts all day long, but the best doorbuster deals will be in the early hours.
黑色星期五全天减价,但最便宜的还要算早上开门大抢购的促销商品。He pushed open the door, and a hideous cheesy smell of sour beer hit him in the face.
他推开门,迎面就是一阵走气啤酒的干酪一般的恶臭。It opens every other day.
隔天开门。This door must remain closed at all times
禁止开门The burglar broke the door open

adj. 打开的;开着的;空旷的;可利用的;公开的;坦率的;愿意接受的
n. 旷野,空旷之地;露天,户外;野外
v. 开,打开;睁开;张开;展开;开始;使开张;开业;展现

They are open to temptations.
他们容易受诱惑。 The flowers are opening.
花正在开放。an open package
未封上的包裹 It is easy to open a shop But hard to keep it always open
创业容易守业难"Will you let me open it?" — "Pardon?" — "Can I open it?"

n. 门,门户;途径

The door was unclosed.
门被人打开了。This door is manual.
这个门是要用手操作的。Who is knocking the door || Who is knocking || Who is at the door || Who is knocking at the door?
谁在敲门Who is knocking the door / Who is knocking / Who is at the door / Who is knocking at the door?
谁在敲门The enumerators went door to door to collect detailed information.

相关内容: 开门的英文怎么说


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