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2023-10-04 08:35:04来源:有考网



ash bin
dust bin
litter bin
rubbish bin

She tipped the rubbish into a dustbin.
她把垃圾倒进垃圾箱。Please use Bins provided
请将垃圾置入垃圾箱The dustbin is chock-full(of rubbish).
垃圾箱塞满了(垃圾).A dumpster out front hadn"t yet been carted away.
门外的垃圾箱还没有被拖走 。Put the sweepings in the dustbin.
把垃圾倒入垃圾箱。He also searched the dumpster where the homeless guy found the hooker"s purse and cell phone.
他还检查了流浪汉发现 妓女提包和手机的垃圾箱 a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin(Jasper Griffin)
愚蠢的寡头政治拒绝看到历史正在把其扫入垃圾箱(贾斯珀·格里芬)a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin(bJasper Griffin)
愚蠢的寡头政治拒绝看到历史正在把其扫入垃圾箱(b贾斯珀·格里芬)When you throw rubbish at home, make sure that all of the rubbish goes into the dustbin.
当你在家倒垃圾的时候,一定要把垃圾全都倒进垃圾箱。A bad smell emanated from the garbage can on the road

n. 灰;灰烬;废墟;骨灰;灰色,苍白

Rise from the ashes
从毁灭中再生Marilyn has a face of ash.
玛丽莲有着苍白的脸。The handle of the dagger was ash wood.

n. 垃圾箱;箱子;二进制
v. 扔掉:把…放入箱中

I have a bread bin.
我有个面包箱。Convert hex to bin.
将十六进制转换成二进制。She scrunch it up and throw it in the bin.

n. 尘土;粉尘
v. 擦灰;掸去;撒

dusted the cookies with sugar;dust crops with fertilizer.
将饼撒上糖粉;把化肥撒在作物上 Dust sugar on to a cake.
将糖撒在糕点上。 The carriage left a trail of dust.

相关内容: 垃圾箱的英文怎么说


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