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旧金山的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-08-31 10:52:50来源:有考网



San Francisco

There"s absolutely no comparison between San Francisco and Los angeles.
旧金山不能与洛杉矶相比较。We agreed to put off our trip to San Francisco.
我们一致同意推迟去旧金山的旅行。She cabled her aunt in San Francisco.
她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。San Francisco is generally known as the "gate of east" of America.
旧金山是美国 “通向东方的大门”。 San Francisco is only one - tenth as populous as New York.
旧金山的人口仅仅是纽约的十分之一。When does Flight 225 arrive in San Francisco?
225班机什么时候到达旧金山?Have you ever visited the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco?
你参观过旧金山的金门大桥吗?May I drop the car off in San Francisco?
我可以在旧金山把车还给贵公司吗?Charlie deferred leave san francisco for miami.
查理延期由旧金山前往迈阿密。New York and San Francisco are important American ports.

abbr. (= Storage Area Networks) 存储区域网

San Diego is a sunny coastal city.
圣地亚哥是个阳光迷人的海滨城市. San Diego is a major city in California.
圣地亚哥是加利福尼亚州的主要城市。He is a Ford dealership in San Francisco.
在旧金山,他是一个福特汽车的代理商。She cabled her aunt in San Francisco.
她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。San Francisco is generally known as the
旧金山是美国 “通向东方的大门”。

弗朗西斯科(男子名, Francis 的异体)

He is a Ford dealership in San Francisco.
在旧金山,他是一个福特汽车的代理商。She cabled her aunt in San Francisco.
她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。San Francisco is generally known as the
旧金山是美国 “通向东方的大门”。 Have you ever visited the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco?
你参观过旧金山的金门大桥吗?New York and San Francisco are important American ports.

相关内容: 旧金山的英文怎么说


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