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郊区的英文怎么说 郊区英文例句

2023-06-14 09:40:44来源:有考网


suburban district

A suburban street,shop,newspaper
郊区的街道、商店、报纸.Disneyland is in the suburbs of Los Angeles.
狄斯耐乐园位于洛杉矶的郊区。To bring about the redistribution of(an urban population and industry)to suburban areas.
人口疏散把(城市人口和工业)疏散分布至郊区"a city of eastern Missouri, an industrial suburb of St. Louis. "
伯克利:美国密苏里州东部一城市,圣·路易丝的工业郊区。His ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.
他的耳朵对伦敦郊区的语音仍然一听就能辨别。It was indeed a quaint notion that under Mrs. Thatcher the Troy Party would only appeal to the suburban south-east
那种认为在撒切尔夫人的领导下,保守党就只能对东南部郊区有号召力的看法真是莫名其妙。Things can go wrong on a big scale as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney.
正如悉尼郊区帕拉马塔的许多人近发现的那样,事情出岔子的规模可能很大。Secondly, Reagan was hugely popular with suburban Republican conservatives and business leaders
第二,里根在那些住在郊区家道殷实的共和党保守派与商界领导人当中很受欢迎,A town of eastern Massachusetts, a residential suburb of Boston. Population, 33,284.
沃特敦美国马萨诸塞州东部一镇,波士顿的居住郊区。人口33,284In most suburban areas, only 20 birds hatch per hectare a year, so the cats take most of the population

adj. 郊区的;土气的;见闻不广的
n. 郊区居民

His clothes are conservative and suburban.
他衣着保守而传统。A suburban street,shop,newspaper
郊区的街道、商店、报纸.Suburbans are ready to raise their own livestock.

n. 选举区;行政区;地区,区域

The custom still obtains in districts.
这种风俗在某些地区仍然流行。They are residents of the same electoral district.
他们是同一个选区的居民。They have demolished the slum district.

n. 市郊

In the outskirt, there is a very big lake.
在郊区,有一个非常大的湖。Heathrow Airport is on the outskirts of London.
希斯罗机场在伦敦郊区。In the outskirts are places for horse trekking and golf

相关内容: 郊区的英文怎么说


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