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2023-03-09 16:43:18来源:有考网


  美国R&B男歌手/制作人原名Charlie Ray Wiggins,1966年5月14日出生于加利福尼亚州的奥克兰。他曾经是90年代著名R&B团体Tony! Toni! Toné!的主唱,之后为Joss Stone, D'Angelo, Mary J. Blige, Snoop Dogg和John Legend等R&B和嘻哈歌手制作歌曲。

  英文歌曲Sometimes歌词 Raphael Saadiq

  Let me tell you about my day

  Its such a very long day

  It started around 7 www.ryedu.net

  And I can hear her pray

  That is why I love Sunday mornings

  even when it was cold

  There Always something burning

  That was good for my soul

  As I walk through the yard

  I can feel your presence www.ryedu.net

  Giving me the time of my life

  and showering me with life’s lessons

  Now I know what they mean

  when they say keep your head to the sky

  And Don’t be to quick to fit in

  and don’t feel you have to try

  This road is strange so strange it is

  you know it really hurts inside sometimes (sometimes)

  No matter how good you are to people you know

  theyill make you cry sometimes (sometimes)

  I am so proud people see the young man I came to be

  With lifelong struggles you kept a smile on my face

  And as I am looking all around me

  I say how can I ever repay you?

  Mama was worth more than gold

  And She always tried to tell me www.ryedu.net

  This road is strange so strange so strange my dear

  you know it really hurts inside yeah (sometimes)

  No matter how good you are to people you know

  theyll make you cry sometimes yeah (sometimes)

  There have been a few days when people truly let me down

  And said crucial things just to bring me down

  And they will rob beg and cheat just for the own self motives and greed

  But I guess it ain’t nothing knew

  Just something I got to go through

  This road is strange so strange so strange it s you know it really hurts sometimes yeah (sometimes)

  No matter how good you are to people you know they’ll make you cry sometimes yeah (sometimes)

  Now how much more can I take before I shot to kill

  Don’t let them mess with your heart because what you feel is very real

  You know it makes me cry sometimes baby (sometimes)

  Yes it does www.ryedu.net

  Out of all the days and all the stories you taught me about it you know it still hurts inside sometimes

  I go through life with my hands in the air saying oh Lord help me there whoa it hurts sometimes

  It hurts sometimes baby nobody can tell me he better than you

  About these thing I go through it hurt sometimes baby sometimes

  I say ooooh oh ….ooooho sometimes



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