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研究所的英语怎么说 研究所的英语例句

2023-10-07 10:45:50来源:有考网



research institute

Institute of radiology
放射医学研究所Institute of antibiotics
抗菌素研究所President Bush attends ceremonial groundbreaking of United States Institute of Peace.
布什总统参加美国和平研究所的破土动工仪式。The dispiriting task of assessing damage at the Harlow research institute took several days
在哈罗研究所,清点损失的任务令人诅丧,做这项工作费了好几天。In the study, half of 22,000 physicians were given an aspirin every other day while the other half took a placebo.
在该项研究所涉及到的22,000名医生中,有一半的医生每隔一天服用一片阿斯匹林,另一半则服用安慰剂。The higher autheorities assigned this task to the research institute.
上级把这个任务交给了研究所。 The student decided to apply for admission into graduate school.
学生决定申请进入研究所。He was admitted to graduate school against all odds.
他不计成败一定要进研究所。Later he headed a research institute in London
后来,他领导伦敦的一个研究所。This is Ms. Lin of Beijing Institute of Physics .

n. 研究,调查,探究
v. 调查,探究

The first is to divide psychological research into basic research and applied research.
一种是把心理学的研究划分为基础研究和应用研究。Other Types of Research
其他类型的研究 The research has many practical applications.
这项研究得到了许多实用的结论。You conducted meaningful market research.
你进行了重要的市场研究。 Researchers describe it as an enabling technology.

v. 制定(制度、规则等);提起(诉讼)
n. 学院;研究院,研究所

institute senate
大学评议会 The land demised to a charitable institution.
土地被遗赠给慈善机构。An administrator of a school or an educational institution.
学校或教育机构的行政管理人员.Thereby the debts of these institutions would rise.
因此,这些机构的债务将增加。The court will institute a suit against him.

相关内容: 研究所的英语怎么说


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