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2023-10-04 08:48:20来源:有考网



(one step) further
move forward a single step
further (onwards)
take one step ahead

Further assistance
进一步的帮助The social security system was further consolidated.
社会保障工作进一步加强。Further streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels so as to invigorate state-run enterprises.
进一步简政放权,以搞活国有企业。Definitely more independent corroboration is necessary.
有必要更明确地进一步证实。The minister will pronounce on further security measures later today.
稍后,部长将发表进一步的安全措施。The spectroscopic data muddy the picture further
分光观测资料进一步扰乱了这一图景。Some screens only have cancel buttons, with no instructions on how to move forward.
有些屏幕只有取消按钮,而没有提示如何进一步操作。An association of people or groups united for the furtherance of political or commercial interests.
联合为了进一步的政治或商业利益结合在一起的人或组织的联合Struts are fixed to each side of the posts to provide further support to the ridge purloin.
立柱两侧安有对角撑,作为对脊檩的进一步支承。After natural gas deregulation, this situation may also develop in the United States

num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个
det. 代替a或an,表示强调;某位(用于不太熟悉之人的姓名之前)
pron. 任何人;一个人;一个事物;其中的一个人

One, Taipei, one way.
台北单程票一张。This one is not a spoof.
这个就不是开玩笑了。One and one make(s) two.

n. 脚步;步态,步伐;步骤;措施;阶段,等级;台阶,平台;舞步
v. 踩,踏;跨步,行走;跳舞;使成阶梯状

step by step welding
跨步焊法 It is a step class.
这是踏板操训练班。They are not in step with the times.

adv. 进一步地;而且
adj. 更远的;深一层的
v. 促进;增进

They discourage further diffusion.
它们阻碍进一步扩散。 The patient is withdrawn for further observation.
这个病人被隔离观察。There is no need to immerge further into this topic.

相关内容: 进一步的英语怎么说


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