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灯笼的英文怎么说 灯笼的英文例句

2023-10-10 14:26:12来源:有考网




This is a chinese lantern.
这是中国的灯笼。In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns are placed into the water when the festival is over.
在滨海的城镇中,这些小灯笼,在节日过后就要放到海中去。I set out after dinner, with the consular porter going ahead lantern in hand.
我吃过晚饭就动身了,那个领事馆的门房走在前面,手里提着灯笼。The sweep of a lantern Beam.
灯笼所照亮的范围A lantern hung from a flagpole/high and Bright
旗杆上挂灯笼,高明I"m making a paper lantern for my nephew.
我做了个纸灯笼给我的外甥。They strung up some lanterns among the trees
他们在树林里悬挂了一些灯笼。Specially made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way.
家家户户门口都挂着特制的灯笼,帮助死者认路。Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way.
家家户户都挂着特制的灯笼,以帮助死者认路。To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin.

n. 灯笼,提灯;灯室;灯笼式天窗;灯罩

This is a chinese lantern.
这是中国的灯笼。was punished to walk the earth forever with a lantern.
上帝惩罚他,让他不停地走,只有一个灯笼陪伴着他。 I"m making a paper lantern for my nephew.
我做了个纸灯笼给我的外甥。There is an ice lantern show in harbin every year in winter
每年冬天,哈尔滨有一次冰灯展。Many boys explode firecrackers on the Lantern Festival.

相关内容: 灯笼的英文怎么说


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