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拼写的英文怎么说 (拼写英文例句)

2023-05-20 09:16:14来源:有考网



Spelling Bee
拼写比赛They were given a spelling test.
对他们进行了拼写测验. Check spelling in the message
对消息进行拼写检查He spelt the word wrongly
他把这个词拼写错了。I don"t know how to spell your name.
我不会拼写你的名字。The Spelling Checker tool is not currently installed.
当前没有安装"拼写检查程序"。She is always meticulously accurate in punctuation and spelling.
她的标点和拼写总是非常精确。It"s not fair to hold me up to ridicule because I can"t spell.
因为我不会拼写而嘲笑我是不公平的。She has very pronounced views on the importance of correct spelling.
她极力主张拼写正确是十分重要的.What do you do on Wednesday? We do spelling exercises.

v. 用字母拼;拼写;拼出;意味着

This is the standard spelling.
这是标准拼法。That word is spell with a ph, not an f.
那个字里的f音拼作PH而不是F。 They were given a spelling test.
对他们进行了拼写测验. A magic spell;enchantment.
有魔力的符咒;魅力 You have me under a spell.

vt. 字译,音译,拼写

The Chinese name Xi"Shuang"Ban"Na is a transliteration of the original Dai name which means twelve thousand fields
西双版纳,是傣语译音,意为“十二(西双)千(版)田(纳)”。Duolun Road (formerly named Doulean Road transliteration) is a little street in Shanghai, north of the Sichuanbei Road Trade Area, and south of Lu Xun Park and Hongkou Football Field, with its back to the Inner Ring Viaduct and Jewel Light Track.

相关内容: 拼写的英文怎么说


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