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伴郎英语怎么说 伴郎的英语例句

2023-04-02 20:15:03来源:有考网






  the best man


  伴郎团 The Groomsmen

  伴郎假期 The Best Man Holiday


  1. Last summer, he was supposed to have been best man at his brother's wedding.


  2. In his absence, the task would fall to the best man.

  在他缺席时, 任务可能落到伴郎身上.

  3. He fulfilled the role of best man at the wedding.


  4. Molly: Right, except the best man is the helper of the groom.

  莫莉: 对极了, 除了伴郎是婚礼上新郎的助手以外.

  5. At weddings the best man will always make a toast.


  6. Dress for bridesmaid and jackets for best man.


  7. The groomsman proposed the new couple.


  8. The best man is making a toast there.


  9. My brother and man, Net, was driving us from the church to the reception.

  耐特,我的兄弟兼伴郎, 开车把我们从教堂送往举行婚宴的地方.

  10. In more elaborate weddings the best man will be assisted by several groomsmen and a ringbearer.


  11. The bridegroom's best man then goes with the couple to the church, to be married.

  之后伴郎伴随新郎 、 新娘去教堂结婚.

  12. The bride and groom each choose attendants to stand with them during the ceremony.


  13. My friend Alan has asked me to be the best man at his wedding.


  14. When he got married, he asked his best friend to be his best man.

  结婚的时候, 他请好的朋友做他的伴郎.

  15. Jack: You won't need it. Stanley, my best man, is going to treat everybody!

  杰克: 用不着的. 我的伴郎史丹利要请大家!

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