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榴莲的英语怎么说 榴莲的英语例句

2023-03-26 19:28:38来源:有考网






  Whether does Durian have the effect that adds female hormone?


  Durian father to break apart, which showed a yellow flesh.

  爸爸把榴莲掰开, 里面露出了黄色的果肉.

  Could it be, than the stinky durian smell also?

  莫非, 榴莲比臭豆腐还臭?

  I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite.

  我爱吃甜的, 所以,任何用榴莲做的食品,都是我的爱.

  It is no wonder that there will be fruit Durian King"s name.


  Whether does Durian have the effect that adds female hormone? 榴莲是否有增加雌性激素的作用?

  Durian father to break apart, which showed a yellow flesh. 爸爸把榴莲掰开, 里面露出了黄色的果肉.

  Could it be, than the stinky durian smell also? 莫非, 榴莲比臭豆腐还臭?

  I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite. 我爱吃甜的, 所以,任何用榴莲做的食品,都是我的爱.

  It is no wonder that there will be fruit Durian King"s name. 难怪榴莲会有水果之王的美称.

  Before you see the durian, you know it is there. 你还没看到榴莲时, 你就会知道它在那里了.

  Aunty Nancy brings a big durian as the gift for Jacket"s family. 南茜婶婶送了一个大大的榴莲给杰克一家作为泰国之旅的礼物.

  The Thailand friend organizes a happy durian party for him. 泰国朋友给他举行了盛大的榴莲派对.

  My brother does not like the taste of durian. 我哥哥不喜欢榴莲的味道.

  The durian tree can grow to be very tall. 榴莲树可以长到非常高.

  Durian many valve, I took the smallest one, ah! 榴莲有很多瓣, 我拿了小的一瓣, 啊!

  Thailand people love to invite the customer to durian. 泰国人很喜欢拿榴莲招待客人.

  There are also durian, mangosteen, pitaya, rambutan, jackfruit, coconutprovided. 各种各样的东南亚知名水果如榴莲 、 山竹 、 火龙果 、 红毛丹 、 菠萝蜜 、 椰青等也会同时展出.

  I see a book, the introduction of the unique flavor of Durian. 我在一本书中看到, 有关介绍榴莲的独特味道.

  I don"t like durians especially their strong odd smell. 我不喜欢榴莲,特别是那股浓烈的怪味.

  Mother said: " Durian have to wait to eat the shell open. " 妈妈说: “ 榴莲要等壳裂开才能吃. ”

  The smell of durine filled me with disgust. 榴莲的味道使我感到恶心.

  The strong durian smell repels me. 榴莲那股强烈的味道使我生厌.

  He eats two big pieces of durian. 他吃了两大块大大的榴莲.

  Spiny green durian fruit for sale at a Singapore market is known for its rottingstench. 食蕊在自然界的模式.多刺的,绿榴莲果实,销售在新加坡市场,是众所周知的,其腐烂的恶臭味.



  Oh, finally have I found this kind of fruit, durian.



  Yes, only a few vendors sell this.



  I heard about it from my friends. What does it taste like?



  Delicious, of course. You"ll love it after one taste.



  But I don’t know how I should eat it. Is there a special way?



  I don"t know, but my wife does. I"ll give her a call and you can ask her.



  Thanks. If I need to buy some again, I"ll make sure to get it from you.


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