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午餐用英语怎么说 午餐的英语例句

2023-03-13 16:25:49来源:有考网







  午餐时间 lunchtime ; Munch Time ; lunch hour

  用午餐 to have lunch ; pranzare ; to haudio-videoe lunch

  学校午餐 school lunch ; school meal ; school feeding ; school food service

  中式午餐 Chinese Lunch

  正式午餐 luncheon

  特色午餐 lunch special

  简易午餐 buffet lunch

  招待午餐 Lunch ; Dinner ; power lunching


  1. We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.


  2. Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table.


  3. At lunchtime, there"s a choice between the buffet or the set menu.


  4. The caterers were already laying out the tables for lunch.


  5. At lunchtime, MPs are spoilt for choice in 26 restaurants and bars.


  6. He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.


  7. Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.


  8. Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle.


  9. Prue invited the magazine"s editor to lunch and made her pitch.


  10. So the upshot is we"re going for lunch on Friday.


  11. If anyone wants me, I"m at lunch with a client.


  12. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.


  13. We ate lunch together a few times.


  14. I am always free at lunchtime.


  15. Their lunch was only so-so.



  Since Martha Payne"s fight against a council ban on her publishing photographs of her school dinners became an internet sensation, she has been inundated with promises of book, TV and movie deals.


  But it has emerged the nine-year-old accepted only one offer after her successful battle against censorship became an international cause celebre on Friday.


  The selfless Scottish schoolgirl has now agreed to team up with Nick Nairn, the celebrity chef, to help Argyll and Bute Council provide more nutritious meals for her and her classmates.


  The move emerged as Roddy McCuish, the SNP-run local authority"s leader, admitted the council had been wrong and offered to apologise to Martha when they meet later this week.


  He said the council"s communications department is to be overhauled after a public relations disaster that saw Martha"s case become the world"s third most talked about subject on the social networking site Twitter.


  David Payne, her father, yesterday said his daughter remains unfazed by the global attention, which drew more than five million people to her blog, NeverSeconds, where she posts photographs of her school dinners and rates them out of ten.


  "Since this started, we"ve had offers to appear on television shows from all around the world – daytime TV from Japan and from America. We"ve had Hollywood agents talking about a book and TV and maybe a film," the smallholder said.


  "But we"ve turned them all down. Martha will be back in school on Monday and no doubt writing her blog." However, she and her fellow pupils at Lochgilphead Primary School have agreed to help the council create a new menu.


  Martha has now raised more than £75,000 for development charity Mary"s Meals after 5,500 people contributed.


  Her blog attracted the attention of Mr Nairn and Jamie Oliver last month when she posted a picture of a meal consisting of a pizza and solitary potato croquette, saying she would struggle to concentrate in lessons because of the miserly portions.


  Soon thousands of people from around the world were visiting the website to see what Martha had eaten that day, leaving comments and sending in photographs of their own lunches.


  But the council banned her from taking pictures last week, citing coverage in a Scottish tabloid newspaper calling for the school"s dinner ladies to be sacked.


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