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fighting是什么意思 fighting的英语例句

2023-03-07 16:51:09来源:有考网








  英 ['faɪtɪŋ]     美 ['faɪtɪŋ]


  They're fighting for the world title tonight.


  He tried to provoke them into fighting.


  They argued to the point of fighting with each other.



  The teacher tried to part the two fighting boys.


  The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months 这一地区个月以来不断发生激战。

  The fighting has been centred around the town of Vucovar 战斗主要集中在武科瓦尔镇周围。

  After a good night's sleep I feel fighting fit again 昨夜睡得很香,我又觉得自己精力充沛了。

  He is still fighting for his life in hospital 他仍在医院与死神搏斗。

  I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice 我一辈子都在同种族主义和偏见作斗争。

  You get a lot of unruly drunks fighting each other 有很多无法无天的醉鬼在相互斗殴。

  There are reports of stepped-up fighting in El Salvador 有报道称萨尔瓦多的战斗已经升级。

  The fighting began in the late afternoon and continued all night 战斗在傍晚时分打响,持续了一夜。

  More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting 多人在这场战斗中丧生。

  The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy 公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。

  He was in a critical condition, fighting for his life in hospital 他的情况很危急,正在医院里与死神搏斗。

  Hundreds have been killed in the fighting and thousands made homeless 很多人在战火中丧生,更多的人则落得无家可归。

  The fighting has continued unabated for over 24 hours 激战已经持续了24小时以上。

  He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue 他靠在墙上,努力想鼓起劲继续下去

  Most of these will be fleeing cold and hunger, rather than fighting 这些人中的大部分会因饥寒交迫而逃亡,而不是因为战争。

  The fighting broke out about two hours after sundown 日落后大约两小时战斗打响了。

  If fighting worsens, the troops might be reinforced, or ingloriously withdrawn 如果战势恶化,军队可能得到增援,或不光彩地撤退。

  Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day cease-fire 在停火两天后,今天那里爆发了激烈的战斗。

  Four thousand troops have been reorganized into a fighting force ,4000名士兵被重组成为一支战斗部队。

  So far little progress has been made towards ending the fighting 到目前为止,在结束交战方面还没取得什么进展。

相关内容: fighting 是什么 意思 知道 fighting 是什么 意思 下面 一起


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