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meet是什么意思 meet的英语例句

2023-02-15 16:35:17来源:有考网

近小编看到大家都在讨论meet是什么意思 meet的英语例句相关的事情,对此呢小编也是非常的感应兴趣,那么这件事究竟是怎么发生的呢?具体又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小编搜索到的关于meet是什么意思 meet的英语例句事件的相关信息,我们一起来看一下吧!









  英 [miːt]     美 [miːt]


  I chanced to meet an old friend in the park today.


  She is the girl whom you meet at the airport.


  Ensure that your request be the fastest meet.


  What criteria should the memorial meet?


  The sports meet was postponed because of rain.



  We must appoint a time to meet again.


  The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow.


  It is easy to fall in love when you meet the right person.


  And when they do meet, naturally, they have to find an appropriate greeting.


  We tend to meet up for lunch once a week. 我们往往每周共进一次午餐。

  The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences. 三方将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。

  Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness. 英国许多海滩连起码的卫生标准都达不倒。

  My understanding was that we'd meet at her place. 我的理解是我们在她那儿见面。

  Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended. 无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交。

  We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays. 因为制造方面的延误,我们没能赶上后期限。

  Out of the original 23,000 applications, 16,000 candidates meet the entry requirements. 初的2.3万份申请中有1.6万份满足入选的要求。

  Let's meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton. 我们在希尔顿酒店的酒吧间碰头吧。

  The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel's. 这位大人凝视的目光离开火苗,与上校的目光相遇。

  He should have stuck to his guns and refused to meet her. 他本应坚持己见,拒绝与她会面。

  When you meet him, he is disarming as he talks about himself. 当你遇到他时,他谈论起自己时总是能让人放下戒心。

  British manufacturing failed to meet the crisis of the 1970s. 英国制造业未能经受住20世纪70年代危机的考验。

  They'll meet the winners of the first round tie. 他们将迎战第一轮淘汰赛中的胜者。

  People assume they know me through and through the moment we meet. 人们一见到我,就自以为对我了如指掌了。

  I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador. 我受邀会见美国大使。

  Make sure to meet them at the other end. 确保在另一边与他们会合。

  "How did he meet your mother?" — "I don't know." “他怎么认识你母亲的?”——“我不知道。”

  Any alterations had to meet the approval of the local planning authority. 任何改建都要取得当地规划机构的批准。

  The two sides would only meet indirectly, through middlemen. 双方只会通过中间人间接接触。

  Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise. 谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。



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