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capital city是什么意思 capital city的双语例句

2023-02-08 20:20:31来源:有考网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如capital city是什么意思 capital city的双语例句,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


  capital city是每个国家的中心,相信它的意思大家还是能够猜出来的。下面是有考网小编给大家整理的capital city是什么意思,供大家参阅!

  capital city是什么意思

  capital city


  With daily shelling and constant protests, the ancient Yemeni capital citymight not be the most peaceful place to live right about now.


  capital city的双语例句

  But what resounded off the walls of a university classroom in the heart of this capital citysounded little like the classical Chinese operatic style he was trying to imitate.


  While 90% of the capital city’s residents have access to safe water, only about one-third havedrinking water piped into their homes—and even among that group, many get only an irregularsupply.

  虽然首都有90%的居民可以用上安全的水,但只有大约三分之一的人享有管道入户的饮用水 —即使是在这些人中,也有许多人面临不规律的供水。

  The country faces recurring food security issues, and Sana’a is projected to be the first capitalcity in the world to run out of water by 2025.


  It’s trash for cash in the Russian Capital City of Moscow.


  Climate change could drive up sea levels by twice as much as previously predicted, a scientiston Tuesday warned at a conference in the capital city of Australia.


  The capital city of the United States, named for the first U.S. president, is a popular touristdestination because of its monuments, historic sites and cultural attractions.


  Copenhagen aims to be the world"s first carbon-neutral capital city by 2025; Malmö to bepowered entirely by renewable energy by 2030.


  It all "makes common sense, " says Mr. Tuilaepa in an interview in his office overlooking thePacific Ocean in the capital city of Apia.


  The Doha Development Agenda, so named for its creation in Qatar’s capital city, was negotiatedby the World Trade Organization in 2001.


  The Atlantic Ocean coastline, where Argentina’s capital city of Buenos Aires sits along the Río de la Plata, is dimly visible at image top left.


  But the Ivorian contractor it employed to pump out the hold of its tanker dumped them aroundinhabited areas in the capital city and the countryside. Tens of thousands of people fell ill and15 died.


  The capital city has seen a trend developing as increasing numbers of people go to golf clubsfor both the sport and as a social activity.


  January"smassive earthquake in Haiti devastated its capital city.


  In the capital city Thursday, masked and hooded youths went well beyond protest -- throwingrocks and bottles, smashing shop windows, setting alight trash cans and burning at least oneprivate car.


  capital city的英语例句

  1. Eventually those ideas should reach the capital city.


  2. French soldiers manned roadblocks in the capital city.


  3. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.


  4. I would send them to the capital city, disregarding the transportation expenses.

  我只得送缴当时的京城, 运费姑且不计.

  5. What , then, are we doing to our capital city now?

  那么, 我们现在对我们的首都在做些什么 呢 ?

  6. Jerusalem remained the capital city of Judah.


  7. The capital city is called Papeete.


  8. They are therefore among the largest design organizations in any capital city.


  9. Bicycle return to beijing police on patrol in the capital city again.


  10. Nanning is a capital city of compact nationalities with Zhuang predominating.


  11. This is Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.


  12. Curitiba is the capital city of the Brazilian state of Paran á.


  13. Convenient and land transportation from the provincial capital city Hangzhou, 30 km.


  14. London is the capital city of England and of Britain.


  15. This is Stockholm, a capital city unlike any other in the world.

  这就是斯德哥尔摩, 与众不同的首府城市.



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