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pet是什么意思 pet的英语例句

2023-02-06 19:22:15来源:有考网

哈喽小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到pet是什么意思 pet的英语例句方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于pet是什么意思 pet的英语例句的相关内容。








  英 [pet]   美 [pet]


  用作名词 (n.)

  My daughter keeps a rabbit as pet.


  She is the teacher's pet.


  用作形容词 (adj.)

  The little girl cuddled her pet cat.


  用作动词 (v.)

  Talk quietly to your kitten and gently pet her.


  They would sell the meat off as pet food. 他们将把肉当作宠物食品卖掉。

  Make sure your pet won't pine while you're away. 要确保不在家时宠物不会想你。

  For a child the death of a pet can be traumatic. 对孩子来说,一只宠物的死亡可能会造成心理创伤。

  I sell my surplus birds to a local pet shop. 我把多余的鸟卖给当地的宠物商店。

  This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet. 这位女士对发生在自己宠物身上的事感到非常惊讶。

  This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet. 这个疯狂的作家把龙虾当宠物养。

  It's all right, pet, let me do it. 没事儿,宝贝儿,让我来吧。

  The death of his pet cat broke him up. 他那只心爱的猫死了,他为此而悲痛.

  There's no need to get in a pet about it. 没必要为这件小事发脾气.

  When her pet dog died, my daughter cried her eyes out. 我的女儿因她的爱犬死了而痛哭流涕.

  The small dog was a great pet with the boys. 这条小狗是孩子们的宠物.

  That boy is the teacher's pet. 那男生是老师的得意门生.

  Tom is the pet name of Thomas. 汤姆是托马斯的爱称.

  Benny is a pet name for the rabbit. 本尼是对这只兔子的爱称.

  I want a cat as a pet. 我想要只宠物猫.

  Don't be afraid to pet the dog. 不要怕抚摸这条狗.

  He is the teacher's pet. 他是教师宠爱的学生.

  What a perfect pet of a dress! 多可爱的一件衣服!

  She is a perfect pet. 她是受宠爱的人.

  He keeps a dog as a pet. 他养一只狗供玩赏.


  1)Teddy Roosevelt's Badger


  Teddy Roosevelt and his family nursed the little badger with a bottle and allowed him to run wild in the house. Roosevelt said that the animal’s "temper was short but [his] nature was fundamentally friendly.”


  2) ... And His Black Bear


  The Roosevelts also owned a hyena and a black bear, which was named after the 18th-century Calvinist Jonathan Edwards.


  3) Calvin Coolidge's Hippo


  President Calvin Coolidge, who assumed office in 1923. Aside from the more conventional cats, dogs, and birds, Coolidge housed a bobcat, a donkey named Ebenezer, two raccoons, lion cubs, a wallaby, and, last but not least, a hippo named Billy.


  4) Grace Coolidge's Raccoon


  I can get on board with pet raccoons. Rebecca the raccoon was sent to the White House to be eaten, but the family couldn't bring itself to harm the playful thing. The president walked around with Rebecca wrapped around his shoulders when she wasn't in the arms of First Lady Grace Coolidge.


  5) John Quincy Adams' Alligator


  Sixth President John Quincy Adams owned an alligator, which he reportedly kept in a bathroom in the East Room and occasionally used to scare guests.


  6) Louisa Adams' Silkworms


  John Quincy Adams' wife, Louisa, kept silkworms so that she could both harvest her own silk and give herself a break from political life.


  7) Abigail Adams' Unfortunately-Named Dog


  John Quincy Adams' mother and former First Lady Abigail Adams named her dog Satan.


  8) William Howard Taft's Cow


  This one actually makes sense, especially if you're a president who likes dairy. The cow was the last cow to graze the White House's green pastures.


  9) Benjamin Harrison's Wily Goat


  Harrison bought a goat named Old Whiskers for his grandchildren. One day, after towing around Harrison's grandchildren in a makeshift carriage, he escaped through the gates.

  哈里森送给他的孙子孙女们一只叫“Old Whiskers”的山羊。一天,它在一个临时马车里绕着哈里森的孙子孙女们转了几圈后,就从门口逃跑了。

  10) Woodrow Wilson's Ram


  He bought a flock of sheep, and among them was a ram named Old Ike. He was apparently an old fellow who chewed tobacco.

  托马斯·伍德罗·威尔逊养了一群绵羊,其中有只公羊叫“Old Ike”。 这只老羊竟然吃烟草。

相关内容: pet 是什么 意思 中文 例句 pet 宠物 生气 受宠 爱的


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