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《铁甲钢拳》片头抒情歌:All My Days歌词

2023-01-17 15:39:17来源:有考网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如《铁甲钢拳》片头抒情歌:All My Days歌词,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


  歌手介绍:Alexi Murdoch,是一位出色的民谣诗人,听他的音乐让人想到了Damien Rice,好象英伦三岛从来不缺少这样的魅力男人.都是那样的温暖舒服,还带着点小忧伤,让人情不自禁的深陷其中."Time Without Consequence",是Alexi的第一张专辑。

  Alexi Murdoch - All My Days


  Well I have been searching all of my days

  All of my days

  Many a road, you know

  I’ve been walking on

  All of my days

  And I’ve been trying to find

  What’s been in my mind

  As the days keep turning into night

  Well I have been quietly standing in the shade

  All of my days

  Watch the sky breaking on the promise that we made

  All of this rain

  And I’ve been trying to find

  What’s been in my mind

  As the days keep turning into night

  Well many a night I found myself with no friends standing near

  All of my days

  I cried aloud

  I shook my hands

  What am I doing here

  All of these days

  For I look around me

  And my eyes confound me

  And it’s just too bright

  As the days keep turning into night

  Now I see clearly

  It’s you I’m looking for

  All of my days

  Soon I’ll smile

  I know I’ll feel this loneliness no more

  All of my days

  For I look around me

  And it seems He found me

  And it’s coming into sight

  As the days keep turning into night

  As the days keep turning into night

  And even breathing feels all right

  Yes, even breathing feels all right

  Now even breathing feels all right

  It’s even breathing

  Feels all right



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