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2022-12-13 14:33:10来源:有考网





托福口语题目:Some students believe that students should choose what courses they learn by themselves, while some students believe that professors should make decisions for students. Which opinion do you support? Give specific explanation in your response.一些学生认为学生应该自己选课,另一些认为应该由教授替学生选课。你支持哪种观点,给出理由。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I prefer professors make decisions. The main reason is professors’ choices tend to be mature and informed. They are clear about what students should learn and master for certain subjects. Taking the economics for example, professors have been investigating in this field for decades, they know students should learn courses like mathematics, econometrics, statistics, finance and so on, so as to master the skills needed in economics. However, if choosing by students, they are likely to be in a puzzle or at a loss about which courses to learn, consequently they may not learn necessary knowledge and achieve desired results.



Since the invention of TV, human history has started a new page. First, TV allows people to learn about what"s going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. What"s more, TV provides a lot of interesting programs that many people enjoy after a long day"s work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Most important of all, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk. TV program brought people together by offering them shared experiences and information about the events around the world. People repeated things they heard on the TV-some phrases and speech patterns heard in songs and radio programs begin to be used by people all over the world.



Although there are many kinds of subjects, my priority is PE lesson.

The reasons why I am so fascinated with PE lesson can be best summarized as the followings. It is quite convincing to say that the most significant reason consists in the fact that it can keep you as fit as a fiddle. From my own perspective, I think health is the most important aspect to our life. By doing some exercises in PE lesson, we can not only relax from our heavy study pressure, but also we can have a perfect figure. What’s more, when we are talking about PE lessons, it is impossible not to mention the spirit of “persistence” which we can learn from the games in PE lesson. You know, when we are playing football, everyone tries their best. The truth is that as long as we persist, we will finally win the game no matter how tough it is.


Have you ever given any thought to what is your favorite song? I sure did. People’s answer might differ greatly from one or another. Mine, however, is hero. I’d like to recommend this song to everyone.

At the very beginning, I’d like to mention the most curious reason why I am so attracted by this song. You know, it tells us a story about confidence and courage. Whenever I am down, I always listen to this song and it will immediately cheer me up. What’s more, I love this kind of music style. I prefer some songs with slow and emotional rhythms because when I am listening, I can think and appreciate the real meaning of the song. Personally, I can’t bear those rock and roll songs. I think they are too noisy. Therefore I will recommend this song to everyone.


托福口语题目:Many people choose to go to specific shops to buy specific products, such as only buying bread in bakery, only purchasing vegetables in vegetable market; while some people prefer to have one-stop shopping, buying all the things in one big supermarket. Which one is your habit and why? Give specific explanation in your response. 许多人喜欢到专门的店购买商品,如去面包房买面包,去菜市场买菜;而另一些人喜欢一站式购物,在大型超市购买所有的东西。你的习惯是哪个,为什么?用具体的事例说明。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally, I definitely prefer the one-stop shopping in one big supermarket, the main reason is time-saving and convenient. In a big supermarket, usually within halfan hour or forty minutes, I may buy everything I need for several days, such as pizza, bread, fruit and so on, very convenient! However, if buying specific items in specific shops, maybe in the east second ring road I buy my desired bread, in the east third ring road I buy fruits, in the western part of the city I buy fish, seafood and so on, the whole purchasing process might occupy my whole afternoon, which is really inconvenient.



Playing Music

I feel that Music is miraculous because different kinds of songs which include melody and lyrics will have different effects on audiences.

Some Lyrics of songs are often encouraging some individuals who are confronting some

embarrassment to strive to their goals while others help people find the courage to face their failures with optimism or rejoin their lives. They will exert themselves and march on after hearing it.

Melodies can help people relax themselves, providing energy for them. Some music has mellifluous melodies which can lessen stress from work and study.

Having that kind of skill just like having magic, I like this kind of feeling.

相关内容: 托福 托福口语 出国考试


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