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保密协议英语怎么说 保密协议的英语例句

2022-10-27 17:35:04来源:有考网




  secrecy agreement


  Confidentiality agreement


  一份保密协议 A confidentiality agreement

  员工保密协议书 confidentiality and proprietary right agreement

  保密协议样本 Confidentiality Agreement Sample


  1. I have posted the Contracts. invoices and Confidential Agreement already.

  已经将合同. 发票和保密协议邮寄出了.

  2. I will require an NDA signing by successful candidates.


  3. NDA: Abbreviation for New Drug Application.

  保密协议: 缩写为新的药物的应用.

  4. Participation will not require an NDA.


  5. Herein C will provide M with necessary information about material suppliers, contractors and technical plans.

  在此C将为M提供必要的材料供应商, 分包商,技术方案等信息,贵方要履行保密协议中的义务.

  6. If desired the OU will be happy to sign a confidentiality agreement with your company.


  7. The Parties shall enter into a non - disclosure agreement in accordance with Party A"s position.


  8. The Parties confirm to abide by the non - disclosure agreement entered into by the Parties.


  9. Request for quotation, confidential agreement etc. from supplier to assist new materials and new supplier"s development.

  获取报价单, 保密协议等所需文件以辅助新物料及新供应商开发.

  10. The buyer accepts the price & payment terms, and sign and chopped the Drafted contract & NCND.

  买方接受价格 和 付款条件, 并签署 和约 草本和保密协议.

  11. The parties have agreed not to disclose the specific terms of the Settlement.


  12. The macroscopic class includes the legislation on non - disclosure agreement, contract, labor and company.

  后者包括了有关保密协议的立法 、 合同法 、 劳动法及公司法.

  13. I cannot in good conscience sign a non disclosure agreement or a software license agreement.


  14. He also signed with Apple to the confidentiality agreement Grounds, refused to comment further.

  他同时以与苹果签有保密协议为由, 拒绝作进一步评论.

  15. The duty for secrecy must be stated in the agreement and contract.


相关内容: 保密 协议 英语 怎么 保密 协议 是指 当事人 之间 一方 告知


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