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位置:有考网 > 外语>词库> failure是什么意思有什么用法?  正文


发布时间:2022-02-16 10:10:15来源:有考培训网综合



failure rate [计] 失效率 ; [科技] 故障率 ; 失败率 ; 事故率

kidney failure [泌尿]肾功能衰竭; 肾衰竭 ; 肾衰

government failure 政府失灵 ; 政府失败 ; 政府失效 ; 当局掉败

Brain Failure 脑浊乐队 ; 脑浊 ; 初级表达法 ; 美国梦专辑

shear failure [力] 剪切破坏 ; 剪切断裂 ; 剪破裂 ; 剪切失效准则

spectator failure 使观众失败 ; 观众失败 ; 造成失败 ; 使不雅众掉败

Total failure 一败涂地 ; 完全失效 ; 完全失败 ; 彻底失败

slope failure 斜坡崩塌 ; 滑坡

cohesive failure 内聚破坏 ; 粘着破坏 ; 胶合体失效 ; 内聚衰坏


N-UNCOUNT Failure is a lack of success in doing or achieving something, especially in relation to a particular activity. 失败

例:This policy is doomed to failure.


例:Three attempts on the 200-metre record ended in failure.


2.N-UNCOUNT Your failure to do a particular thing is the fact that you do not do it, even though you were expected to do it. 未成

例:They see their failure to produce an heir as a curse from God.


3.N-COUNT If something is a failure, it is not a success. 失败

例:The marriage was a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.


4.N-COUNT If you say that someone is a failure, you mean that they have not succeeded in a particular activity, or that they are unsuccessful at everything they do. 失败者

例:Elgar received many honours and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.


5.N-VAR If there is a failure of something, for example, a machine or part of the body, it goes wrong and stops working or developing properly. 故障

例:There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.


6.N-VAR If there is a failure of a business or bank, it is no longer able to continue operating. 倒闭 [商业]

例:Business failures rose 16% last month.


相关内容: failure是什么意思 failure用法 failure短语搭配


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