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2022-12-13 15:41:44来源:有考网





1. Supported by sufficient evidence, his argument seems to have a great deal of validity.

[A] vividness [B] value [C] truth [D] contradiction

2. Molly Pitcher was the fictitious name given to a woman who fought valiantly in the Revolutionary War.

[A] tirelessly [B] viciously [C] needlessly [D] bravely

3. He was unrelenting in his pursuit of legal mandate.

[A] unassuming [B] unpromising [C] unyielding [D] unwilling

4. After launching itself into flight, the flying squirrel is supported by a membrane of skin stretched tautly between its front and back legs.

[A] tightly [B] carefully [C] tidily [D] comfortably

5. The house by the sea had a mysterious air of serenity about it.

[A] melancholy [B] joy [C] sadness [D] calmness



6. Though many people observed the accident in the center of the city, they were not sure about the exact sequence of events.

[A] order [B] process [C] result [D] cause

7. Davy Crockett was reared in eastern Tennessee.

[A] born [B] well-known [C] brought up [D] killed

8. Kit Carson, an American frontiersman, was one of the most sensational heroes of the Old West.

[A] exciting [B] distracting [C] enigmatic [D] ostentatious

9. Automobile experts have shown that halogen headlights penetrate thick fog more effectively than traditional incandescent headlights and thus help to reduce accidents.

[A] dissolve [B] perceive [C] touch [D] pierce

10. The football player was penalized for unnecessary roughness.

[A] side-lined [B] condoned [C] punished [D] condemned



11. I feel obligated to give my opinion on the subject.

[A] required [B] forbidden [C] determined [D] encouraged

12. Justices of the peace have. jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits involving minor offenses.

[A] supremacy [B] authority [C] guidance [D] obedience

13. The western slopes of the mountains of the Sierra Nevade Range are deeply incised by numerous streams.

[A] fed [B] cut [C] flooded [D] distended

15. The Jamestown settlers explored Virginia pimarily for fishing and trading, and only incidentally investigated traces of a lost colony on Roanoke Island.

[A] sporadically [B] by chance [C] by fault [D] unaccountably



16. That poor man is so weak that he can scarcely walk.

[A] crude [B] bereft [C] adept [D] decrepit

17. In his letter of January 27, Mr. Anderson declined the offer.

[A] repeated [B] refused [C] described [D] analyzed

18. Many caves are formed by the pounding of ocean waves on the coastline.

[A] cavalries [B] caverns [C] shells [D] beaches

19. Agricultural experts always caution farmers to irrigate in regions receiving only light rainfall.

[A] remind [B] teach [C] find [D] warn

20. In many parts of the world, talismans are used to ward off evil.

[A] keep away [B] describe [C] transcend [D] seek out



1. The magnitude of the development was apparent to the architects.

[A] courage [B] great size [C] diminution [D] opposition

2. Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature.

[A] measuring [B] inheriting [C] preserving [D] delaying

3. The man neglected to file his income tax and therefore had to pay a fine.

[A] hoped [B] failed [C] promised [D] refused

4. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have acute vision.

[A] faulty [B] negative [C] minimal [D] condensed

5. Mr. Wang was determined to remain neutral.

[A] untroubled [B] unhurried [C] unmarried [D] uncommitted

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