全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
位置:有考网 > 外语 > 个人提升英语 > 初一英语语法练习题  正文


2022-11-23 10:05:28来源:有考网





  be 动词 (用be动词的正确形式填空)(10分)

  1. _______ your grandmother thin or fat?

  2. There ______ a desk and three chairs in the calss.

  3. Where ______ my pencil case and my notebook?

  4. There _____ nine people in my family.

  5. ---How much ______ the exercise book and the magazine? ----That _____ ninety dollars.

  6. Ben ______ a middle school student, and his parents _____ teachers.

  7. Scott likes action movies best. His favorite actors ______ Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

  8. -- What color _____ your shoes?

  -- Black.

  9. -- Hello. My name _____ Jack. This is my friend. His name ______ Tom.

  -- Nice to meet you. I _______ Rick.

  10. ______ you still a policeman? No, I _______ an accountant now.


  用a ,an,the 或者 \ 填空(10分)

  1) There is ______ water on the floor.

  2) There is ___ orange on ____ desk.

  3) What do you know about _____ pandas?

  4) There is _____ ‘m’ in ‘climb’ and there is ______ ‘u’ in ‘country’.

  5) I don’t like _______ bananas but I like ________ apples.

  6) My brother is ______ engineer, and my sister is _______ doctor now.

  7) I don’t like _______ movie. It’s boring.

  8) ______ Jenny’s birthday is Nov. 12th.

  9) --Let’s go and play ______ chess.

  --Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. It’s time for me to play ______ piano.

  10) He usually has his ______ breakfast at 7:00am and goes to ______ school at 7:30.



  in after on for at with to from of by

  1. My family often buy clothes _____ Yingtai store _____ weekends.

  2. You can borrow the book _____ your school library.

  3. I’m looking _____ some presents. One of my friends’s birthday will come.

  4.Is there anything interesting _____ today’s newspaper?.

  5. Look, the birds are _____ the tree!

  6. When is her birthday? I can’t remember…It’s _____ January.

  7. Mr. Green always goes to work ______ bus. He has to get up _____ 6 o’clock _____ the


  8. Come on! I’m hungry. It is time _____ dinner?

  9. Don’t eat and read _____sun. That is bad _____ your eyes.

  10. What do you usually do _____ Christmas?

  11. We live _____ London. How about you? Where do you come _____?

  12. _____ Sunday morning, I usually sleep late _____ home.

  13. Jack is shorter than Sam, but Jack is sitting _________ Sam.

  14. Here is a photo ________ your family.

  15. I heard the song _____ radio.



  1) mouse________ 2) tooth _______ 3) country ______ 4) month________

  5) sandwich_______ 6) brush _______ 7) sheep______ 8) kangaroo ______

  9)man ________ 10) day _______ 11) watch _______ 12) photo ________

  13) orange ________14)dictionary _______ 15) tomato _______ 16) people _________

  17) peach_______ 18) strawberry ______ 19)feet______ 20) child _________



  1. George ________from Italy but he _______ spaghetti very much.. (come, like)

  2. Penguins _______ in Antarctica. It’s cold. (live)

  3. She _________(not visit) her aunt last weekend.

  She ________ (stay) at home and _________(do) some cleaning.

  4. A dictionary is ____ _________ (expensive) than a story-book

  5. We are in the music club. Tom ____ ______ the piano. Michael and Diana _____ _____ the

  violin. I _____ _____ the guitar. (play)

  6. It is very cold these days. It __________(snow)soon.

  7. His mother is a teacher. She ______ (teach) Chinese in our school.

  8. Mum, can you ______ ( take ) me to the tennis club?

  9. --- May I help you?

  --- Yes, I _____________ ( look ) for a book on gardening.

  10. __________(not sit)down,please.

  11. The dress is __________.Give it to __________(she).

  12. Her brother is too young to look after __________(he).

  13. This is my __________(two )day here.

  14. She is the __________(good )student in our class.

  15. Chinese is __________(speak )by many people.

  16. The news sounds __________(well).



  Part 1:

  1. How much is that? (改成复数)


  2. They are army officers. (改成单数)


  3. There are a lot of animals in the zoo.(改成否定


  4. He will go to Shanghai.(改成一般疑问句,并做否定回答)


  5. Dogs lived in a samll village.(改成一般疑问句并做肯定回答)


  Part 2: 对划线部分提问。





  3. _______________________________________________________________

  4. _______________________________________________________________

  7. Kangaroos live in Australia.


  8. _______________________________________________________________

  9. He’


  10. __________________________________________________________

  Part 3: 翻译。.


  _________ ________as _________as your uncle? Yes,Iam.


  He _______ as __________ as________ ________ Jim.


  I ______ ________ at Science.


  Mr Wang ______ _________ the pandas.


  He _____ ______ ________by bus last week


  Lily goes to shool _____ ______everyday.



  1.________ a concert next Saturday?

  A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are

  2.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.

  A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to giving

  3.He ________ to us as soon as he got there.

  A. writes B. has written C. will write D. Wrote

  4. My father______ill yesterday.

  A. isn"t B. aren"t C. wasn"t D. weren"t

  5. ______your parents at home last week﹖

  A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

  6. The twins______in Dalian last year. They______here now.

  A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was

  7. Who ________ we ________ swim with tomorrow afternoon?

  A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go

  8.We ________ the work this way next time.

  A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing

  9.I study English as_______as my brother.

  A.hard B. harder C. Hardest

  10.Which is _____ , a bicycle , a computer or a camera?

  A. expensive B.more expensive C.the most expensive

  11. Hello,this is Tom speaking,___

  A. Who are you? B.Who‘s that? C. What‘s your name?

  12.The news _ wery interesting! Tell me more!

  A. is B.are C.am D.be



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