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接电话用英语怎么写 telephone的英语例句

2022-11-02 17:02:09来源:有考网




  1. to pick up the telephone

  2. to lift the telephone

  3. put sb. on to

  4. answer the telephone

  answer the telephone的英语例句

  1. How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o"clock?


  2. He was too lazy to bestir himself even to answer the telephone.


  3. Don"t answer the telephone. I"ll get it.

  别接电话, 我来听.

  4. Will you answer the telephone if it rings?

  电话铃声响时请你接电话好 吗 ?

  5. As usual when drafting speeches, he refused to answer the telephone for days on end.

  同往常一样,他为了起草讲话稿, 接连数日拒绝接电话.

  6. They called her down from upstairs to answer the telephone.


  7. He was too bestir himself even to answer the telephone.


  8. Jim broke off telling the story to answer the telephone.


  9. Putting out his cigarette, he got up to answer the telephone.

  他熄了烟, 站起来去接电话.

  10. I called him again and again but he didn"t answer the telephone.


  11. I answer the telephone within four rings.


  12. We do not answer the telephone during dinner.


  13. They answer the telephone calls of the desperate who are thinking of killing themselves, and ear.



  1. Don"t hang up!


  2. I"ll call you up about seven o"clock.


  3. I am sorry I have to hang up now. Someone is knocking at the door.

  对不起,我得挂电话了, 有人敲门.

  4. He asked me to hold on while he left the telephone to find a pencil.


  5. Hold on the phone for a second. Let me find a pen to write down your phone number.

  别挂电话, 让我找支笔记下你的电话号码.

  6. I"d better ring off now.


  7. I"ll ring him up again.


  8. I have to hang up now.


  9. Hold on a moment. I"ll see if he"s here.

  不要挂电话, 我看一看他在不在.

  10. Please hold on for a second , while I transfer your call.

  请别挂电话, 我帮你转接一下.

  11. Excuse me, sir , hold on. Mrs Lawrence will speak to you herself.

  请原谅, 先生,先别挂电话, 劳伦斯太太要亲自与您讲话.

  12. Sorry, I"ve got to hang up. My wife"s waiting for me.

  抱歉, 我得挂电话了. 我老婆在等我.

  13. Hanging up on the caller is the best way to lose business.


  14. Mary : Thank you. ( Replaces phone, To Mr. Wang ) He"ll and fetch you later.

  谢谢, ( 挂电话, 对王先生 ) 她会待会儿找你.

  15. A. All right. Please hold while I check your account records.

  好的, 请别挂电话,我来查一下您的帐簿.



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