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Taylor Swift Safe and Sound 歌词

2022-10-26 16:43:26来源:有考网


  泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国乡村音乐、流行音乐创作女歌手、演员、慈善家。

  Taylor Swift Safe and Sound 歌词

  I remember tears streaming down your face,

  When I said I'll never let you go.

  When all those shadows almost killed your light,

  I remember you said don't leave me here alone,

  But all that's dead and gone and past tonight.

  Just close your eyes,

  The sun is going down.

  You'll be all right,

  No one can hurt you now.

  Come morning light,

  You and I'll be safe and sound.

  Don't you dare look out your window,

  Darlin' everything's on fire.www.ryedu.net

  The war outside our door keeps raging on,

  Hold on to this lullaby.

  Even when the music's gone, gone...

  Just close your eyes,

  The sun is going down.

  You'll be all right,

  No one can hurt you now.

  Come morning light,

  You and I'll be safe and sound...

  Just close your eyes,

  You'll be all right.

  Come morning light,

  You and I'll be safe and sound...



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