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badboy是什么意思 badboy双语例句

2022-10-25 17:12:35来源:有考网


  难道你们不好奇bad boy是否具有如同直译一样的含义吗?除此之外它还有什么意思呢?

  bad boy是什么意思的意思

  [法] 不良少年,反叛儿;

  bad boy是什么意思的双语例句

  1. You are a bad boy for repeating what I told you.


  2. Joe isn"t a bad boy. If anything, he"s a pretty good one.

  乔不是一个坏男孩. 总之, 他是一个非常好的男孩.

  3. The bad boy got his just deserts in the end.


  4. We the realest , FUCK EM , we Bad Boy killaz!

  我们是最真实的,____, 我们是BadBoy杀手.

  5. Underneath all that bad boy, actually he a real gentleman.

  表面上他那么像个坏男孩, 其实他是个真正的绅士.

  6. Mr Johnson is the Peck"s Bad Boy of the parliamentary Labor Party.


  7. Rose: Are you trying to save money? You bad boy.

  罗丝: 你是打算省钱 吗 ?你这个坏家伙.

  8. While dark - haired Bill exudes genteel values, Eric thrills with bad - boy mystique.

  黑发的比尔散发出一种绅士风范, 艾瑞克则给人一种坏男孩的神秘感.

  9. Has the bisexual bad - boy become more complex as he"s aged?

  那个双性恋的坏男孩真的随着年长而变得复杂了 么 ?

  10. Baby is a bad boy, With some retro sneakers.


  11. Dont know what good boy and bad boy do.


  12. But he became a bad boy because of his handsomeness.


  13. Bad Boy murdered on wax, and killed.

  BadBoy被暗杀, 已经死了.

  14. The bad boy had a beating.


  15. The bad boy broke his mother"s heart.


  bad boy是什么意思的英语例句

  Bad Boy Records, Miramax, Time Warner, HBO, Sony, Disney, Loud Records, Interscope, on and on.

  For a while there, he was just the bad boy hard partying TV star.

  It also helps explain why unlike some other bad boy politicians he was forced to resign.

  Wal-Mart may have earned the mantle of retailing"s bad boy through tough vendor negotiations.

  Take The Hills bad boy Spencer Pratt, who comes in at No. 11 on our list.

  The city"s most civic-minded philanthropist is Michael Milken, once the bad boy of the financial world.

  " He said, "They will never say that you"re a bad boy and we"re leaving.

  Brown"s tumultuous relationship with singer Rihanna and foul-mouthed Twitter presence have given him a bad boy reputation.

  This bad boy also boasts a full compliment of controls for Serato, Traktor NI, and Ableton Live.

  "From the 1970s, the vampire has achieved a cool, bad boy, exotic and sexy image", she says.

  Flamboyant retired US basketball player Dennis Rodman, known for his "bad boy" image, is visiting North Korea.

  This year television ratings improved for the Chase as bad boy Tony Stewart captured the title.

  Mario is always painted as a bad boy - but there is a background of racism in Italian society.

  He has since branched out into other fields including fashion, with his Sean John label, and BadBoy Films.

  The CEO coos to the analysts that her bad boy big pipe shoots directly into the old cow"s customer base.

相关内容: bad boy 是什么 意思 中文


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