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特产用英语怎么说 特产的英语例句

2022-10-10 16:47:23来源:有考网





  special local product

  local specialties


  北京特产 Specialties of Beijing

  特产商店 specialty store

  特产蔬菜 special vegetable

  农业特产 agricultural specialties

  果品特产 special fruit product


  1. Seafood is a speciality on the island.


  2. This wine is typical of the region.


  3. Silk is the speciality of this village.


  4. Shell carvings are a specialty of the town.


  5. Lime preserved in salt is a north African speciality which is used to flavour chicken dishes.


  6. Silk is the specialty of this village.


  7. Dried vegetable is a local product of ShaoXing known all over China.


  8. Poverty is not endemic to cities although, perhaps because of the crowded conditions in certain areas.

  虽然贫穷并非城市的特产, 但是可能由于某些地区的人口过多而使贫穷现象在该处较为明显.

  9. Are there any unusual things produced in this town?

  这个镇有什么特产 吗 ?

  10. Do you want to take some local products and handicrafts?

  你觉得特产和手工艺品 怎么样 ?

  11. Shanxi Shangdang donkey meat products, originated in the Qianlong period.

  山西上党特产腊味驴肉, 起源于乾隆年间.

  12. Sister: ( Bring fruit over ) Peter, please taste our local product , Shicheng chestnuts!

  姐姐: ( 端水果过来 ) 彼得, 尝尝我们的特产吧, 石城板栗!

  13. Chestnut: Chestnut Heavenly Master Fu Shan is one of the major specialties.

  天师板栗: 天师板栗是龙虎山的一大特产.

  14. YAPEAR, a specialty in heibei province, and is primary export fruit.

  鸭梨是河北的特产水果, 也是我国主要出口水果之一.

  15. Zhejiang Fuyang Township second, shoot for a major specialty.

  富阳为浙江第二竹乡, 竹笋为一大特产.

相关内容: 特产 英语 怎么 英文翻译 例句 特产 某地 有的 特别 著名


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