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景点用英语怎么说 景点的英语例句

2022-09-28 16:49:11来源:有考网




feature spot

view spot


国外景点 Foreign sites

热门景点 Hot spots

景点门票 Entrance tickets

代表景点 Representative spots


1. As a photographer, he"d found both locations just a trifle disappointing.


2. Durham has much to offer the camera-toting visitor.


3. All the attractions of the peninsula beckon.


4. The coast is a mecca for tourists.


5. Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same tourist areas of the US.


6. Ferry boats ply regularly between all the resorts on the lake.


7. During our two - day stopover in Bangkok we saw most of the sights.


8. Entry tickets to most attractions are included in the price of the holiday.


9. They stayed at several of the island"s top tourist spots.


10. Perhaps the most important tourist sights is the Capital Building.


11. The government"s plan for the artificial scenery spots is wholly misconceived.


12. I disagree. Yangchun is more lively. And it has more interesting scenes.

我不同意. 阳春更加有生气. 而且它有更多有趣的景点.

13. Do you remember that beautiful spot where we took that picture?


14. Nandaihe many attractions tourist area has become a leading tourist Funing County.


15. I"d like to see some of the city"s sights.



Top 1 Potala Palace 布达拉宫

The Potala Palaceis considered to bea model of Tibetanarchitecture. In 641, Songtsan Gambo, ruler of the Tubo Kingdom, had the Potala Palace built for Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, his future bride.



Top 2 Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰

As thesupremepoint of the world, the mountain topis covered withsnowall the year round, and when the glaring sun comes out, the peak becomes very pure and beautiful.



Top 3 Jokhang Temple 大昭寺

Jokhang Temple, located on Barkhor Square in Lhasa, is Tibet"s first Buddhist temple and is part of the Potala Palace. It is theultimate pilgrimagedestination for Tibetan pilgrims.



Top 4 Namtso Lake 纳木措

Namtso, or Lake Nam, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region and should not be missed by any traveler to Tibet. In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake." It is famous for its highaltitudeand imposing scenery.



Top 5 Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon 雅鲁藏布大峡谷

The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is one of thedeepest and longestcanyonsin the world. Thecanyon is home to many animals and plants barelyexplored and affected by human influence, while itsclimate ranges from subtropical to Arctic.



Top 6 Former site of Guge 古格王国

Guge was an ancient kingdom founded by a branch of descendents of the last king of a unified Tibet in the 10th century. It flourished for more than 700 years before encountering civil strife and foreign attacks and falling into disrepair. Now, visitors can see its ruins of temples and palaces, whose inscriptions, statues and murals still remain intact.


Top 7 Midui Glacier 米堆冰川

Midui Glacier, located in Yupu Township, is the lowestaltitude above sea level in the world. It was rankedby China National Geography Magazine as one of thetop six most beautiful glaciers in China.The glacierpasses through four distinct regions: snow-cappedmountains, forests, lakes and villages and temples. Itlooks as if Nature"s hand itself had taken up a brushto paint a splashed-ink landscape.


Top 8 Tashilhunpo Monastery  扎什伦布寺

Tashilhunpo Monastery, founded in 1447 by the First Dalai Lama, is one of the Big Six Monasteries of the Gelug sect of Buddhism in Tibet.


Top 9 Barkhor 八廓

The streets are full of religious atmosphere and show the original Lhasa. Shops offer prayer wheels, chubas (traditional Tibetan clothing), Tibetan knives and religious articles for sale.


Top 10 Yambajan  羊八井

Yambajan is famous for its wide range of hot springs, from ones with the highest temperatures in the country to boiling geysers. The hot springs in Yambajan contain various minerals and are believed to be therapeutic.


相关内容: 景点用英语怎么说


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