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人才市场用英语怎么说 市场的相关短语

2022-07-05 17:07:53来源:学习啦




  Talent Resources Market


  The personnel market


  Careers fair


  国有人才市场 government-owned talent market

  人才市场体系 human resource market system

  人才市场信息 talents market information

  国际人才市场 international talent market

  教育人才市场 educational talent market

  人才市场行情 talents market quotations


  1. At the same time, the construction of talent market is also accelerating.

  与此同时, 人才市场建设也在加快.

  2. The markets of talent often send the employment message on the Internet.


  3. Nowadays the job market is more competitive than ever.


  4. The development of human resource market and employment agencies will be promoted.


  5. Tjinfo. com is a large talent market.

  天基 人才网是一个大的人才市场.

  6. Then, he carries look Suo Dingzhong talent market.

  于是, 他将目光锁定中端人才市场.

  7. Talent is being drawn from awider base, in an increasingly fluid global market for people.


  8. Graduates can enter the talent market, the implementation of two - way choice of employment units.

  毕业生可进入人才市场, 双向 选择落实就业单位.

  9. Identify even the smallest temperature differences that could indicate problems with industry - leading thermal sensitivity ( NETD ).

  确定即使是细微的温度差别可能表明问题与行业领先的热灵敏度 ( :人才市场 ).

  10. The supply is in conflict with the demand in secretarial human resource market nowadays.


  11. The resource pool will have a new trend after China"s entry into the WTO.


  12. Across the road from the Dajingli jobs fair , the Changping Labour Market competed for business.


  13. Learn about job hunting tips as you prepare to graduate or move into the job market.


  14. My job ? hunting is not very promising . The job market is getting more and more competitive.

  找工作真难, 人才市场竞争好激烈.

  15. In recent years, there have been more and more climaxes in Guangdong"s talent market.

  近年来, 广东人才市场高潮迭起.

相关内容: 人才市场 英语 怎么


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