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用考网【翻译】 编辑:思晴 发布时间:2017-03-30 09:33:51





  Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year in slightly different ways but their wishes are almost the same; they want their family members and friends to be healthy and lucky during next year.Chinese New Year Celebration usually lasts for 15 days. Celebratory activities include Chinese New Feast, firecrackers, giving lucky money to children, the New Year bell ringing and Chinese New Year Greetings. Most of Chinese people will stop the celebrating in their home on the 7th day of New Year because the national holiday usually ends around that day, however celebrations in public areas can last until the 15th day of New Year.



  China has decided to end its decades-long one-child policy. All couples are allowed to have two children. This decision has aroused much chatter—whether it is high time that China should carry out the universal two-child policy or not. As far as I am concerned, this policy is in line with China's domestic situations.

  Speaking from a macro perspective, this policy is a timely adjustment to China's changing situations. The aging population has been posing a threat to the sustainable and healthy development of China. This policy will optimize the demographic structure, increase the labor force, ease the pressure of aging population and ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

  Speaking from a micro one, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance have jumped many times in just one generation, this policy will bring about many benefits to the family in the long run. In spite of the fact that child rearing is anything less than an easy task, the disadvantages, such as temporarily economic burden, seem to be pale compared with the benefits. The second child, at least, will accompany his or her sibling and in the future, they will share the responsibility to support and care for their old parents.

  decades-long 长达数十年之久的

  odds 几率

  chatter 唠叨的话;喋喋不休

  demographic 人口统计学的;人口统计的

  macro 宏观的

  optimize 使最优化;充分利用

  micro 微观的

  sibling 兄弟姐妹





  As early as 100 years ago, studying abroad was seen as a strategy to strengthen the national power. Now, more and more students crave for studying abroad. Students nowadays are a bit aimless and casual when craving for studying abroad, which leads to many problems like exhausting all the savings of their family, wasting their youths but ending up by giving up halfway and even becoming trouble-making students with many bad habits. It's better not follow the current craze of studying abroad blindly and it's most important to choose the direction fit for oneself, for "one can perform well in any field".

  1.被视为:可译为be seen as或be regarded as,be considered as等。

  2.越来越多的:除了用more and more翻译以外,还可以用an increasing number of.

  3.留学热:可译为craze of studying abroad.其中craze意为“狂热”。

  4.恶习缠身的“问题学生”:可译为“trouble-making students”with many bad habits.

  5.最好不要盲目跟随…:可译为It's better not follow…blindly.



  “土豪”(Tuhao)—词最早可追溯到1500年前的南朝(theSouthern Dynasty)时期,其含义随时间的推移而改变。20世纪20至50年代初,它被广泛用于形容那些在中国农村有钱有势的地主。最近,极富创造性的中国网民赋予了这个词新的含义,他们借用该词来形容那些十分有钱却品味差的人。2013年9月上旬以来,“土豪”一词在中国社交媒体上出现了1亿多次。在BBC近期一档关于中国热词(influential Chinese words)的栏目播出后,该词引起了《牛津词典》编著团队的关注,明年可能会被收入词典中。


  The word "Tuhao" dates back as early as theSouthern Dynasty 1,500 years ago and its meaningchanges over time. From the 1920s to the early1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders whowere rich and powerful in rural areas of ChinaRecent, the word is endowed with a new meaning by the highly creative Chinese Internet usersand is used to describe people who have a lot of money but bad taste. There have been morethan 100 million references to the word "Tuhao" on social media in China since earlySeptember 2013. After BBC's recent program about the influential Chinese words isbroadcast, the word has caught the attention of the editing team of Oxford English Dictionaryand may be included in the next year's edition.

  1.第二句话中“地主”的修饰语很长,可把“那些在中国农村有钱有势的”处理成who引导的定语从句,跟在“地主”landholders 之后。

  2.第三句“极富创造性的中国网民赋予了…”主语为中国网民,但由于该段落的主题是“土豪”,故翻译时将句子处理为被动语态更为妥当,用the word为主语,以突出讲述的主体,使上下文连接更连贯,即译为the word is endowed with anew meaning by...and is used to describe....。其中的“那些十分有钱却缺乏相应品味的人”处理为who引导的定语从句。

  3.“2013年9月上旬以来,‘土豪’一词在中国社交媒体上出现了1亿多次”可翻译成there be句型,注意这里时态上宜采用现在完成时there have been,与时间状语since early September相呼应。“出现了1亿多次”实际上是指“土豪”一词在媒体上被大量使用或提及,因此可译成more than 100 million references。

  4.文章最后“明年可能会被收入词典中”中的“词典”指前面出现过的“《牛津词典》”可译成may be included inthe next year's edition,用 edition 来替代 dictionary,避免重复。








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