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用考网【翻译】 编辑:思晴 发布时间:2017-03-30 08:58:45



  瑜伽有着六千多年的历史,起源于印度。古代的瑜伽信徒发展了瑜伽体系,他们深信通过运动身体和调控呼吸完全可以控制心智和情感(control one’s mind and emotions),保持身体长久的健康。瑜伽姿势大部分来源于模仿动物的姿态,达到锻炼身心的效果。瑜伽不同于体操和舞蹈,也不同于一般的有氧练习。只有当呼吸、意识和姿势结合成一体(breathing,mind and posture get into one)时,才是真正的瑜伽练习。可以说,瑜伽不仅仅是一种运动方式.也是一种生活态度。

  Yoga is originated in India with more than 6,000 years of history. Ancient yoga practitioners developed yoga system. They firmly believed that through the movement of one's body and control of one's breathing, one can completely control one's mind and emotions,so as to keep long-term health.Most yoga postures are imitations of animal postures in order to exercise one's physical and mental power.Yoga is unlike gymnastics, dance,or common aerobic exercise.Only at the time when one's breathing, mind and posture get into one,one is in the condition of yoga exercise. So we can say that yoga is not just a sport, but also an attitude to life.



  自隋朝起,封建政府开始从科举考试(imperial examination)合格的应试者中选拔官员。参加科举考试的人有两种:一种由学馆选送的学生构成,叫做生徒 (shengtu);另一种叫做乡贡(xianggong),由县试合格者构成。唐朝的科举考试一般由礼部(Ministry of Rites)主持。考生考取后,再经吏部(Ministry ofPersonnel)复试,根据成绩授予相应的官职。科举制度一直被多朝沿用,直到中国最后一个封建王朝—清朝。然而,明清时期,科举制度演变成严格、呆板的制度,阻碍了中国考试制度的现代化和科学化发展。


  Since the Sui Dynasty,the feudal government started to select officials from the qualifiedcandidates in the imperial examinations.There were two kinds of people taking theimperial examination.One was comprised of students chosen by academies,who werecalled shengtu;the other kind,called xianggong,was made up of those who had passedthe examinations held by counties.The imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty wasusually held by the Ministry of Rites.Those who passed the examination would be re-examined by the Ministry of Personnel and be conferred with relevant official positionsaccording to their examination results.The imperial examination system was usedthroughout many dynasties until China's last imperial dynasty,the Qing Dynasty.However,during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the imperial examination system became a strict andrigid institution which stopped China from adopting modern and scientific methods.


  1.选拔官员:可译为select officials。

  2.学馆:即古代的学校,此处的“学校”可以推荐当官,可见译为school不合适, 能够推荐当官的应该是高等学府,故译为academy。

  3.由…构成:可用词组be comprised of来表达,还可以用词组consist of,be made up of。


  5.县试:即由县里组织的考试,故可译为examinations held by counties。



  8.阻碍了中国考试制度的现代化和科学化发展:可理解为“阻碍了中国采用现代化和科学的方法”,故可译为定语从句which stopped China from adopting modern and scientific methods。


  中囯政府宣布每年的8月8日为“全民健身日”(National Fitness Day),推动全民健身。这一举动不仅在全国范围内普及了健康理念,还使人们锻炼的方式更加多样化。每天早晨,喜欢户外运动的老年人会聚集(congregate)在公园里锻炼身体,如打太极拳(tai chi)、跳彩带舞(ribbon dancing)等。公园里那些低冲击力的公共健身器材和新鲜的空气十分适合他们。相反,年轻人则发起了一股室内健身热潮。比起户外活动,他们更喜欢选择华丽的健身房。在他们看来,健身房既时尚又充满动感。


  The Chinese government announced the annual August 8 as the “National Fitness Day” to promote physical activities throughout the country.This move not only popularizes the concept of keeping fit around the nation,but also diversifies the methods of taking exercise.Every morning,senior citizens who are in favor of outdoor activities congregate in the park to do exercise,such as tai chi,ribbon dancing, and the like. Low-impact public fitness facilities and fresh air in the park suit them well.On the contrary,young people initiate an indoor fitness fad.They prefer fancy gyms to outdoor activities.In their eyes,fancy gyms are not only fashionable but also dynamic.


  普及 popularize

  锻炼 take exercise

  使……多样化 diversify

  户外运动 outdoor activity

  老年人 senior citizen

  低冲击力的 low-impact

  健身器材 fitness facility

  适合 suit/fit

  相反 on the contrary

  室内健身热潮 indoor fitness fad

  华丽的 fancy

  时尚的 fashionable

  动感的 dynamic


  作为中国传统的民间艺术,吹糖人(Sugar Figure BlowingArt)历史悠久,然而 随着中国经济的发展,这一艺术正渐渐消失。据说这一民间艺术始于宋朝,当时被称为戏剧糖果(operacandy)。吹糖人以糖作为基本材料,糖人艺人用自己的方法熬糖,然后吹成各种人物。艺人先把糖加热到适当的温度,然后拉一些糖稀(syrup)捏成一团,再用各种技巧做出不同的形状,并涂上鲜艳的颜色。这种艺术是手、眼、心、呼吸和一定温度所需时间控制的真正结合。一项技术不过关,整个过程都会失败。


  As a truditional Chinese folk art,the Sugar FigureBlowing Art have a long history.But it is graduallydisappearing in the process of economic developmentin China.It is said that this folk drt was formed inthe Song Dynasty;at that time it wan called operacandy.The Sugar Figure Blowing Art uses sugar as its basic material,and the artists have theirown ways to boil sugar and blow it into various figures.Artists heat up sugar to propertemperature,then pull some syrup and knead it to a ball.Then they make different shapes byusing different skills and paint bright colors on the figures.This art is really a combination ofhand,eye,heart,breath,and the timing of temperature skill.If there is one skill you couldn’tperform well,the whole procedure will be a failure.


  1.历史悠久:可译为have a long history.

  2.戏剧糖果:可译为opera candy.

  3.以糖作为基本材料 :可译为uses sugar as its basicmaterial。






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