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用考网【翻译】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-06-04 09:43:14



  高考,即全国高等教育入学考试(National Higher Education Entrance Examination),是中国大陆最有影响力的考试之一。合格的高中毕业生和具有同等学力(educational level)的学生每年可以参加一次考试。学生必考的(mandatory)科目为语文、数学和外语—通常是英语,不同的省份的考试试卷各不相同。高考非常具有权威性,几乎所有大学都根据高考分数录取学生,因此,很多中国人把高考看作是决定人生的关键事务。近年来,人们越发关注高考体制,提出各种改革高考的建议。专家称改革高考录取制度是改革的根本。


  College entrance examination, also known as National Higher Education Entrance Examination,is one of the most influential examinations in mainland China. Qualified senior high schoolgraduates and students with the same educational level can take the exam once a year. Thethree mandatory subjects are Chinese, Mathematics and foreign language—usually English andthe test papers vary from province to province. College entrance examination is soauthoritative that almost all the admissions made by the universities are based on students'scores in the exam. Therefore, many Chinese regard it as a critical event in their life. In recentyears, people pay more attention to the college entrance examination system and variousproposals about its reform have been put forward. Experts claim that the fundamentalreform of the examination lies in the university admission system.


  1.“不同的省份的考试试卷各不相同”这个分句.过直接翻译成different provinces have different testpapers,也可以按参考译文译为 the test papers vary from proving to province。

  2.“高考非常具有杈威性,几乎所有大学都根据髙考分数录取学生”包含了一定的因果关系,因此在翻译时增加了 so... that...的结构,让两句自然地衔接起来。

  3.“高考非常具有权威性…很多中国人把髙考看作是决定人生的关键事务”这句很长,前两个分句因为使用了so... that...的结构来表达因果关系,第三个分句“因此…”就很难翻译到同一句话里了。所以,可以用拆译的方法,单独翻译第三个分句,用Therefore衔接。

  4.在翻译“近年来,人们越发关注高考体制,提出各种改革高考的建议”这句话时,可以使用被动语态,译成Inrecent years, the college entrance examination system has been paid more attention andvarious proposals about its reform have been put forward;也可以将前半句译为主动语态,后跟that引导主语从句。


  黄金周(the Golden Week)是指连续7天的全国性假期。1999年,中国开始推行黄金周政策。从那以后,黄金周通过鼓励人们旅游和消费,丰富了人们的日常生活,促进了社会经济的发展。然而不可否认,黄金周带来的问题也日益明显:交通拥堵、旅游景点人满为患以及物价上涨。2012年,中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费,其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期,这一政策从某种程度上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加。


  The Golden Week refers to a consecutive seven-day national holiday. In 1999, China started tocarry out the Golden Week policy. Since then, the Golden Week has enriched people's daily lifeand promoted the development of social economy by encouraging people to travel and spend.Nevertheless, there is no denying that the problems caused by the Golden Week are gettingobvious, such as the traffic jams, overcrowded tourist spots and rising prices. In 2012,theChinese government announced that expressways nationwide would be toll-free duringimportant holidays, including the two seven-day holidays around the Spring Festival and theNational Day, which, to some degree led to the highly increased number of vehicles and peoplegoing out.


  1.“从那以后…社会经济的发展”,主语是“黄金周”,后跟并列谓语“丰富了”和“促进了”,可译为has enrichand Promoted;“通过…的方式”直接用介词短语by...更加简洁。

  2.第四句“然而不可否认,黄金周带来的问题…”中的“不可否认”可使用句型there is no denying that... 来连接整个句子;“黄金周所带来的”可使用句型词短语作定语译为caused by the Golden Week修饰 “问题(theproblems)”。

  3.最后一句话是一个长句,“中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费”可处理为that引导的宾语从句,翻译为the Chinese government announced that...。“其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期可使用现在分词短语作状语including...作进一步说明。“这一政策从某种程度上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加”可使用which引导的非限制性定语从句,补充说明主句所说的免收通行费政策带来的影响。

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