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用考网【翻译】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-05-30 10:20:57



  中国的四大发明包括指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术,它们是中国在人类文明史上占有重要地位的标志之一。第一个指南针产生于战国时期(the Warring States Period),是利用天然磁石(natural magnet)来辨别方向的一种简单仪器。火药发明于隋唐时期,主要应用于军事领域,造纸术于东汉年间由蔡伦改进,使纸成为人们普遍使用的书写材料。印刷术,又称活字印刷术,大大促进了文化的传播。四大发明对世界经济的发展和人类文化的进步做出了巨大的贡献。


  Four great inventions of China include the compass,gun powder,the paper-making techniqueand the printing technique.They are one of the marks that China occupies an importantposition in the history of human civilization.The first compass was invented during the WarringStates Period.It was a simple device employing natural magnets to identifydirections.Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and was mainly used in militaryareas.The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in the Eastern HanDynasty,making paper a commonly used writing material.The Printing technique,also calledmovable type printing,promoted the spread of culture significantly.The four great inventions ofChina made tremendous contribution to the development of the world's economy and the










  Recently, the Chinese government has decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involvedin building high-speed trains, ocean-going ships, robots, even the planes. Not long ago, Chinawon the contract of building a high-speed railway in Indonesia. The Contract of China provinghigh-speed trains for Malaysia also signed by the two sides, which proves that goods made-in-China are widely trusted.

  Goods made-in-China has become more and more popular. Although China has paid prices forit, it does help to eliminate poverty and to provide work chances for people all over the worldas well. This is a good work and worth speaking highly of. You may want to take a look at whichcountry your goods comes from when you go to the store next time. It is very probably made inChina.


  Recently, the Chinese government has decided to upgrade its industry. Now it is involved inconstructing high-speed train, ocean ship, robot, even planes.Not long ago, China got thecontract of building a high-speed train in Indonesia.At the same time, China also got thecontract of providing high-speed trains with Malaysia.It proves that people believe in theproducts made in China. Chinese-made goods has become more and more popular.China haspaid a price for this, but it not only helps to eliminate poverty, but also provides jobopportunities to people around the world. It is a good thing that is worthy of praise.When yougo to the store next time, you may want to know where the product you bought is produced. Itis very likely that it is made in China.

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