用考网 > 外语类 > 英语六级 > 作文 > 《2017英语六级作文范文》正文


用考网【作文】 编辑:思晴 发布时间:2017-03-24 15:03:28



  tobacco production and consumption

  we meet smokers almost everywhere , in the st reet , in shops , at the railway station , on the camp us and in many other public a reas . t his explains the astonis hing sta tistic figure of 1. 1 billion smokers out of 5. 6 billion people in the world , occupying about 20% of the world’s population .

  the ha rmful effect that smoking has upon people mainly lies in two aspects : money los s and health deterioration . in the figure , we can see that the annual consumption of tobacco amounts to 200 billion dollars , which , if spent on public welfare , can benefit a great many poor people .

  it is known to all that smoking does a lot of ha rm, not only to smokers themselves , but also to people a round who are actually unconscious victims . according to the statistics obtained , approxima tely 3 million people die of lung cance r and other fat al diseases every year .

  for tunately , nowadays more and more people have become awa re of the harmful effect of smoking . tobacco consumption is decr easing . tobacco production is decreasing ( has dropped to 14 .2 billion pounds in 1995 as against 14 .364 billion pounds in 1994 ) . the numbe r of smokers is decreasing . finally , we believe in the advance of society , we believe in a new world without smoking , we believe in people .


  · pictur e 2———吸烟者到处可见


  · pictur e 3———吸烟既费钱又损健康


  · pictur e 4———吸烟导致疾病的死亡

  · pictur e 1———意识到吸烟危害导致烟草生产下降, 消耗

  下降, 烟民人数下降


  本文是一篇图画图表作文, 要求说明并解释每一张小图, 最后指出烟草生产和消耗的趋势。本文的写作要用到多种文体。写作前必须仔细看图, 作出分析才能写得层次分明, 覆盖四幅小图。本题曾是一道考研写作题, 作者借题发挥, 撰文供学习。


  public a reas 公共场所

  astonishing statistic figure 惊人的统计数字

  occupy v . 占

  have an effect on 对⋯⋯有影响

  lie in 在于

  money loss and health deterioration 又费钱又损健康

  cons umption n . 消耗

  tobacco n . 烟草

  amount to 达

  public welfare 公共福利

  unconscious victims 不知不觉的受害者, 被动吸烟者

  lung cancer 肺癌

  fatal disease 致命疾病


  about juvenile delinquency

  one of the much-talked-about present-day social problems is juvenile delinquency , and its rate of f requency is seemingly on the rise .

  it is r epor ted in newspapers that the delinquents r ange in age from 12 to 18 . only a small por tion have committed serious crimes like kidnapping and murdering . t hose cases are handled through the cour t system . most of the delinquencies fall into four categories : br awling , including gang fighting with deadly weapons ; theft , mostly pet ty , sexually promiscuous behaviour and addiction to drugs . the delinquents are gener ally placed under tempor ary supervision by neighbour - hood commit tees , work units or reform schools .

  the causes of juvenile delinquency ar e varied . th rough media we of ten come acros s the following cases:

  ill-t reatment to t eenage rs by their step-fathe rs or stepmothers often lead to family t ragedies . school pupil delinquents, being not properly car ed for , have chronic behaviour problems . their par ents a re too busy either with busines s or with gambling . still , the re ar e cases resulted f rom par ents’or grandpar ents’indulgence to their dar lings . petty theft once or twice is not punis hed but encouraged . gr adually these pet ty thieves grow addicted to stealing . adolescents t ried drugs mostly out of curiosity before they finally became habitual drug-take rs .

  not a few examples can be found around us in our daily life . limited by time and space , i have to skip them ove r . however , juvenile delinquency , being a serious social problem concerning the young gener ation , cer tainly dese rves special a ttention . i think of all the things we can do, the most fundamental one is deepening and st rengthening education so as to ultimat ely save the young .


  · 青少年犯罪——— 社会热门话题

  · 现状

  * 犯罪种类

  * 处理

  · 犯罪原因分析

  · 加强教育, 拯救青少年


  本文是一篇带有议论的说明文。文章前半部分叙述了青少年犯罪的现状, 后半部分是议论, 主要分析了悲剧发生的原因,最后作者提请全社会都来关心这一问题。文中作者引用了社会调查的资料以及电视报道, 因此素材真实而典型。


  its r ate of fr equency is seemingly on the rise ( 犯罪)频率似乎在上升

  it is r epor ted that 据报道

  range from . . . to . . . 范围从⋯⋯到⋯⋯

  a small por tion = a small number

  commit crimes 犯罪

  kidnap v . 绑架

  handled through the cour t system 由法院来处理

  fall into four cat egories 归结为四种

  br awling n . 斗殴

  gang fighting with deadly weapons 持凶器打群架, 械斗

  theft , petty thef t 偷窃, 小偷小摸

  sexually promiscuou s behaviour 乱搞两性关系

  addiction to drugs 吸毒

  temporary supervision 临时监管

  neighbourhood committee 居民委员会

  the causes a re va ried 原因是多种多样的

  ill- tr ea tment n . 虐待

  step-fathe r ( -mother ) 继父/ 母

  tr agedy n . 悲剧

  chronic behaviour problems 长期表现不良

  gambling n . 赌博

  result from 起因于

  indulgence to their da rlings 溺爱子女

  adolscent 青年

  out of curiosity 出于好奇

  habitual a . 成习惯的, 习惯性的

  not a few = many

  unltima tely a d . 最终


  “nowadays parents are too permissive with their children .”do you agree or disagree with this statement ?

  today , few people would defend the t raditional attitude to children . if you recall wha t happened in old days , you would be astonished at the sever e and st rict educa tion for children , for instance, old- fas hioned spanking was common punis hment for children . as a result , while the par ents thus established their own authority , the poor children would never recover from the dr eadful t r aumatic experience when they grew up .

  howeve r , as you know, things of ten go to ext remes . nowadays , parents ’ confidence in their own authority has been gr eatly undermined . countles s a rticles in magazines and newspape rs and tv programmes publicize child ca re . when so much over- enthusiastic advice flying about , mum and dad just don’t know what to do any mor e . in the end , they do nothing .

  so from early childhood, the kids are in charge and par - ents ’ lives ar e regulated according to the needs of their off spring . when the little dear s develop into teenagers , they take complete control . i f the young people are going to have a party , for example , parents ar e as ked to leave the house . their presence merely spoils the fun . what else can the poor parents do but obey ?

  in my mind , a child ce rtainly needs love , and a lot of it . but the excessive pe rmissiveness of mode rn parents is sur ely doing mor e ha rm than good . t he spr ead of juvenile delinquency is la rgely due to pa rental laxity . mother , believing that her lit tle baobao can look af ter himself , is not at home when he r eturn s f rom school , so little baobao roams the street . the dividing-line between permissivenes s and s heer negligence is very fine indeed.


  · sever e and strict educa tion for childr en

  * spanking

  * childr en’s dreadful experience

  · things of ten go to extr emes

  * parents’authority unde rmined

  * over- enthusiastic child car e

  * pa rents’life r egulated according to children’s needs

  · comments

  * exces sive pe rmissiveness and sheer negligence — a

  fine dividing line


  本文是一篇议论文。显然作者的观点是认同这一命题中的说法的。文章以对比的手法将早先对待小孩的传统教育方式作为铺衬, 然后以一句“howeve r , things of ten go to extr emes .”为转折, 将话题导入主题“nowadays parents a re too permissive with their childr en .”例证真实而生动, 有较强的说服力。 最后一段是作者的观点和评论。本文逻辑性强, 层次分明, 读来统一而连贯。


  permissive ( ness ) a .( n .) 随意(的) , 放纵(的)

  be astonished a t 对⋯⋯感到吃惊

  spank ( ing) v .( n .) 打屁股

  tr aumatic a . 受到创伤的

  things of ten go to extr emes . 事情往往会走向极端

  unde rmine v . 瓦解

  regula te v . 调节

  offspring n . 儿女

  dear n . 亲爱的人

  obey v . 服从

  juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪

  pa rental laxity 父母的疏忽

  roam v . 游荡

  dividing-line 分界线

  sheer negligence 完全忽视







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