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用考网【作文】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-05-17 14:18:35



  You have been asked to recommend a particular brand of bread for use in elementaryschools in a small city. Which of the four brands of bread described in the chart would yourecommend? Support your choice with information from the chart below.

  Which brand of bread is the most suitable for elementary school children? Before we makethe choice, there are three things we need to take into account: taste, nutrition and cost.

  Among the three, I believe nutrition is the most important. Children in elementary schoolsare at an age when their bodies are growing rapidly. Malnutrition will certainly hinder theirbodies from growing, and poor health will often result in poor learning. Taste is also importantbecause tasty bread can help stimulate children's appetite. Children will not like to eat poor-tasting bread regardless of its level of nutrition. A good appetite guarantees sufficientnutrition.

  Therefore, I will certainly recommend Brand A, because both its nutrition and taste are verygood.

  Neither Brand C nor Brand D is a good choice because the former has a very good nutritionalrating but not a good taste; while the latter has an excellent taste but only a fair nutritionalrating.

  Being less nutritional and tasteful, Brand B is not as good a choice as Brand A, despite theirsimilar costs. So, that leaves only Brand A. It is true that Brand A has the highest price, but Ibelieve that most of the schools would not really mind paying a little bit more money for schoolchildren's better health.


  本文是一篇图表作文, 要求按图表中提示的信息为小学生选择一种牌子的面包。本题曾为一托福考题, 作者“ 借题发挥”根据自己的思路作文。这类题型的写作多用比较和对照, 这也是托福写作的一大特点。此外, 这类作文的结论不受限制, 完全 可按作者的意图来写, 但必须有充足的理由。本文中, 作者首先分述营养与口味两大因素并加以比较和权衡, 而价格则不在话下。四者相比后决定选A。然后在第三段中排除C 和D, 最后 A 和B 相比, 决定选择最好的。


  take... into account 考虑……

  at an age when... 在……的年龄

  malnut rition n. 营养不良

  hinder v. 防止,妨碍

  regardless of 不管, 不顾

  despite prep. 尽管

  It is true that... 诚然

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