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用考网【阅读理解】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-06-04 09:34:16



  In the Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, Revised and Enlarged Edition (W.W. Norton) Schlesinger provides deep insights into the crises of nationhood in America. A new chapter assessed the impact both of radical multiculturalism and radical monoculturalism on the Bill of Rights. Written with his usual clarity and force, the book brings a noted historian’s wisdom and perspective to bear on America’s “culture wars.”

  Schlesinger addresses the questions: What holds a nation together? And what does it mean to be an American? Describing the emerging cult of ethnicity, Schlsinger praises its healthy effect on the campaign of multicultural advocates to divide the nation into separate ethnic and racial communities. From the start, he observes, the United States has been a multicultural nation, rich in its diversity but held together a shared commitment to the democratic process and by the freedom of intermarriage. It was this national talent for assimilation that impressed foreign visitors like Alexis de Tocqueville and James Bryce, and it is this historic goal that Schelsinger champions as the best hope for the future. Schlesinger analyses what he sees as grim consequences of identity politics: the widening of differences. Attacks on the First Amendment, he argues, threaten intellectual freedom and, ultimately, the future of the ethnic groups. His criticisms are not limited to the left. As a former target of McCarthyism, he understands that the radical right is even more willing than the radical left to restrict and weaken the Bill of Rights.

  The author does not minimize the injustices concealed by the “melting pot” dream. The Disuniting Of America is both academic and personal, forceful in argument, balanced in judgment. It is a book that will no doubt anger some readers, but it will surely make all of them think again. The winner of Pulitzer prizes for history and for biography, an authoritative voice of American liberalism, Schlesinger is uniquely positioned to bring bold answers and healing wisdom to this passionate debate over who we are and what we should become.


  57. According to Schlesinger, the United States is .

  A) a melting pot B) a nation with diverse cultures held together by the democratic process

  C) a federation of ethnic and racial communities D) a nation with one culture despite its various ethnic and racial groups

  58. We can infer from the passage that Schlesinger .

  A) advocates the assimilation of different cultures into one nationhood

  B) holds that each racial group should keep its distinct identity

  C) gives full support to the emerging cult of ethnicity D) prefers multiculturalism to monoculturalism

  59. We can infer form this passage that America .

  A) is experiencing a crisis of nationhood B) has ended its history of racial prejudice

  C) is trying to restrict the Bill of Rights D) has tried to obstruct intellectual freedom

  60. According to the author, Schlesinger’s book will .

  A) put an end to the culture wars in America. B) cause anger among the radical right

  C) cause anger among the radical left D) provoke thinking among all readers

  61. This passage is most probably taken from .

  A) a history book B) a new report C) a book review D) a journal of literary criticism.




  The food irradiation process is a simple one. The new U.S. plant, Vindicator of Florida Incorporated in Mulberry, Fla., uses a material called cobalt 60 to irradiate food. Cobalt 60 is radioactive isotope (form) of the metallic element cobalt. Cobalt 60, which gives off radiation in the form of gamma rays, is also used for radiation therapy for cancer patients and for sterilizing hospital equipment. The radioactive isotope is created by bombarding cobalt with subatomic particles in a nuclear reactor. However, irradiation plants do not themselves contain nuclear reactors.

  In the irradiation plant, food is exposed to thin rods of cobalt 60. The rods give off gamma rays, which disrupt chemical processes in contaminating organisms. The disruption breaks down the cell walls of organisms or destroys their genetic material. The dose, set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is enough to kill organisms on food, but not enough to produce significant changes in the food itself.

  Although irradiation slightly decreases the nutritive value of foods, the loss is less than that produced by some other methods of food preservation. Canning, for example, results in a much greater loss of nutrients.

  Those who object to irradiation say that the process may create substances not found in nonirradiated food. Since the 1960’s researchers have studied irradiated food at microscopic levels to try to find such substances, called unique radiolytic products. After reviewing these studies, the FDA determined that compounds formed during irradiation are similar to substance found in nonirradiated foods and are not dangerous to consume.

  Destruction of microorganisms that cause illness is an important goal of irradiation. About 250 million cases of food poisoning or 1 per person—occur every year in the U.S., according to FDA estimates. Food poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhea, fever, headache—and, occasionally, death.

  Because of the apparent safety of food irradiation, and the problems presented by contaminated food, scientific groups—including the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations food and Agriculture Association—have voiced nearly universal support for the process. Worldwide, 38 nations have approved irradiation for 355 products.

  Like microwave ovens, food irradiation has aroused apprehension and misunderstanding. Yet it has been scrutinized more thoroughly than other methods of food treatment that we have come to regard as safe, and it appears to be a method whose time has come.


  1.Cobalt 60, besides irradiating food, is also employed to ___.

  A.detect metallic flaws

  B.run a nuclear reactor

  C.cure cancer patients

  D.strengthen concrete walls

  2.Gamma rays used to irradiate food ___.

  A.are generally not strong enough to destroy contaminating organisms

  B.do not bring about significant changes in the food itself

  C.may destroy some of the nutrients in the food

  D.should be submitted to FDA for approval

  3.Irradiated food ___.

  A.certainly loses its nutritive value

  B.maintains its nutritive value no different from the nonirradiated

  C.keeps its nutritive value better than canned food

  D.is recommended as the best of all preserved foods

  4.With cases of food poisoning increasing, ___.

  A.food irradiation should be carried out with care

  B.it is more urgent to irradiate foods

  C.medical researches into treatment of the diseased should be strengthened

  D.Americans are beginning to accept food irradiation

  5.The passage may be taken from ___.

  A.a news report

  B.a textbook of food processing

  C.a book of popular science

  D.a manual of food irradiation



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