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用考网【翻译】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-10-21 16:30:30




  诸葛亮是中国古代杰出的政治家,军事家。作为遁世(recluse)之人,诸葛亮致力于学习知识,其智慧之名广为流传。刘备曾三顾茅庐,请求诸葛亮相助。诸葛亮为刘备详细分析局势,建议刘备与孙权联手对抗曹操。刘备采纳了他的建议,在赤壁之战(Battle of the Red Cliff)中挫败曹操、称帝后不久,刘备去世。临终时,刘备代表儿子刘婵将蜀国江山托付给诸葛亮。诸葛亮对内广泛推行改革,纳贤臣,提高农业生产,加强灌溉工程,强调军队纪律,很快就帮蜀国克服重重危机。


  Zhuge Liang was a brilliant politician and strategist in ancient China.Being a recluse, Zhuge Liang devoted himself to acquiring knowledge, and his reputation of wisdom spread widely.Liu Bei once visited Zhuge Liang three times to ask for his assistance.Zhuge Liang analyzed the situation in detail for Liu Bei, and recommended that he and Sun Quan should fight against Cao Cao hand in hand.Liu Bei adopted his suggestion and defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of the Red Cliff.Not long after being the emperor of Shu, Liu Bei passed away.Before Liu Bei died, he entrusted the state power of Shu to Zhuge Liang on behalf of his son,Liu Shan.Zhuge Liang carried out widespread domestic reforms, employing people with ability, improving agricultural production and construction of irrigation works, and stressing discipline in the army,which helped Shu overcome a series of crises soon.



  3.致力于:常用词组devote oneself to表达。

  4.智慧之名:“智慧之名”可译为reputation of wisdom。



  《清明上河图》(Riverside Scene on Tomb-Sweeping Day)为北宋末年,南宋初年的画家张择端所绘,展现了清明时分北宋都城东京汴河(Bianhe River)两岸的景象。全画分为三部分:第一部分描绘晨光下的景象,郊外岸边缓缓行进的驮队;第二部分描绘汴河桥一片繁忙的景象;第三部分描绘市区街道上的景象,商人来来往往。整幅画卷宽24.8厘米,长528.7厘米,描绘的人物约500多个,动物50多个,树木约170多棵。这幅出色的绘画作品使我们更好地了解当时北宋都城的生活。


  Riverside Scene on Tomb-Sweeping Day was painted by Zhang Zeduan,a painter lived in the late Northern Song Dynasty and early Southern Song Dynasty.It depicts scenes along the Bianhe River in Dongjing,the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty on the Tomb-Swecping Day.The painting is divided into three parts.The first part dcpicts a team of pack animals walking slowly along the river bank in the suburbs in the morning light; the second part portrays the bustling scene around the Bianhe bridge over the river; the third part shows the downtown streets, crowded with people doing business.The whole scroll is 24.8 centimeters wide and 528.7 centimeters long, and has approximately more than 500 people, over 50 animals, and 170 trees depicted on it.This wonderful painting makes us study better the life of people at that time in the Northern Song capital city.

  1.北宋末年,南宋初期:可译为in the late Northern Song Dynasty and early Southern Song Dynasty。

  2.郊外:可译为in the suburbs。

  3.缓缓行进的驮队:可译为a team of pack animals walking slowly。

  4.繁忙的景象:可译为bustling scene。

  5.商人来来往往:可理解为“街上人很多,做着生意”,故译为crowded with people doing business。







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