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用考网【翻译】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-05-26 15:17:34



  丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是中国古代最著名的贸易路线。在这条路上运输的商品中,丝绸占很大部分,因此得名“丝绸之路”。丝绸之路起点始于长安,终点远达印度、罗马等国家。丝绸之路从汉代开始形成,到唐代达到鼎盛,骆驼曾是丝绸之路上的主要交通工具。中国的造纸、印刷等伟大发明通过这条路传播到了西方,而佛教(Buddhism)等宗教也被引入中国。丝绸之路不仅仅是古代国际贸易路线,更是连接亚洲、非洲、欧洲的文化桥梁。


  The Silk Road is the most well-known trade route in ancient China. It got its name because silk comprised a large proportion of commodities transported along this road. The Silk Road started at Chang'an and extended as far as countries like India and Rome. The Silk Road was opened up during the Han Dynasty and reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty, with camels being the major means of transportation. Great inventions in China, such as paper-making and printing were spread to the Western world along this road and religions like Buddhism were also introduced to China. The Silk Road was not only an ancient international trade route, but also a cultural bridge linking with Africa and Europe.


  1.“在这条路上运输的商品中,丝绸占很大部分”,翻译时把“商品”作为宾语,即“丝绸占了商品中的大部分”,“在这条路上运输的”则处理过去分词短语transported...作后置定语。故译为silk comprised a large proportion of commodities transported along this road,使句子简洁流畅。



  4.最后一句话中“文化桥梁”的定语“连接亚洲、非洲、欧洲的”较长,在翻译时,可译成动词的现在分词短语作后置定语linking..., with...。


  故宫(the Imperial Palace)位于北京市中心,是世界上现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代皇宫和古建筑群(architectural complex)。这座历史悠久的宫殿,面积宏大,南北约千米,东西753米。整个皇宫相传共有9999个房间,分为外朝和内庭两部分。外朝是皇帝行使权力、举行盛典的地方。内庭是皇帝的居住之地。故宫建筑群是中国古代宫殿建筑(Palatial architecture)的典范,对东亚及其他国家的文化和建筑产生了重大影响。而今整个故宫成为国家博物馆,陈列着众多珍贵的古代文物(cultural relics)。


  The Imperial Palace, located in the center of Beijing, is the largest, best preserved ancientimperial palace and architectural complex in the world. The historical, spacious palacestretches about 1,000 meters from north to south and 753 meters on its east-west axis.Altogether, there are 9,999 rooms inside the palace according to legend, which is made up oftwo parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was a place where the emperorsexercised their power and held grand ceremonies. The inner court was the imperial residence.The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influencedcultural and architectural developments greatly in East Asia and elsewhere. Today the entireImperial Palace functions as a national museum, where a variety of treasured cultural relics areexhibited.


  1.第一个句子主语为“故宫”,后面跟着两个谓语动词“位于”、“是”;为使句子简洁,可将“位于北京市中心”译为过去分词短语located in...,放在主语the Imperial Palace后面作后置定语,也可译为定语从句which islocated in...。

  2.第二句中的“南北约千米,东西753米”都是表达距离,为了避免重复,使表达多样化,在翻译时将“南北”译作from north to south,“东西”译为 on its east-west axis。



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