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用考网【翻译】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-05-21 14:06:21



  秦始皇是中国历史上杰出的政治家、军事家。公元前221年,他统一中国,建立了历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、高度中央集权的(highly centralized)国家—秦朝,并成为中国第一个皇帝,自称“始皇帝"。为加强统治,他实施了一系列的改革,如统一文字,修筑长城以抵御外敌。同时,秦始皇也采取了许多残忍的手段,例如烧毁了许多经典书籍并坑杀儒生(Confucius scholar)等等。尽管他的统治残暴(tyranny),但是他仍被很多人认为是中国历史上一个关键人物。


  Qin Shi Huang was an outstanding statesman and strategist in the history of China. In 221 BC he unified the nation, founded Qin Dynasty—the first united, multi-national and highly centralized country, and named himself "Shi Huangdi", the first emperor of China. In order to strengthen his rule, he implemented a series of reforms, including unifying Chinese characters, building the Great Wall to defend against invaders. At the same time, Qin Shi Huang employed many brutal means, such as burning many classics and burying many Confucius scholars alive. Despite his tyranny, he is still valued by many people as a key figure in Chinese history.


  1.第二句话的主语是“他”,三个谓语可对应译为并列结构unified..., founded... and namedhimself...。“第一个皇帝(the first emperor of China)”处理为“始皇帝”的同位语。

  2.第三句的主干为“实施了一系列的改革”后面列举的具体改革内容可用译为including...;“为加强统治”可译为in order to...,作目的状语置于句首。

  3.“同时,秦始皇也采取了许多残忍的手段,例如…”一句的举例部分可以使用such as后跟动名词的形式来翻译,使句式更简洁,即 such as burning... and burying alive...。



  被称为“世界工厂”(world's workshop)的中国正迅速成长为“世界市场”。在过去十年里,中国一直是无可争议的“世界工厂”—进口原材料,并向全球各地出口廉价的制成品。近年来,中国经济保持快速增长,制造工艺日趋精良,中国再也不是廉价商品的组装地了。随着人均收入(per capita incomes)的提高,越来越多城市消费者有能力购买高价商品和服务。近年来,中国人均消费增长是全世界最快的。因此,很多国际企业尝试与中国建立联系,在中国市场开展业务。


  China, the "world's workshop", is now growing up fast to the "world's marker". For the pastdecade the country has been the undisputed "world's workshop",importing raw materials andexporting inexpensive manufactured goods across the globe. In recent years, the Chineseeconomy keeps growing fast, and its manufacturing technique becomes increasinglysophisticated. Therefore, China is no longer just a place to do assembly of cheap products.With the rise in per capita incomes, an increasing number of urban consumers can afford high-priced goods and services. In recent years, China's per capita consumption growth is the fastestaround the world. Therefore, many international enterprises attempt to establish contact withChina and launch their business in this market.



  2.第二句中的“在过去十年里”表述的是一个时间段,因此用介词短语for...表达,句子采用现在完成时。主语“中国”译成the country,避免与上一句的表述重复。破折号之后是对“世界工厂”的解释,处理成现在分词importing... and exporting...,作伴随状语。


  4.“随着…”通常译成with引导的独立主格结构,“随着人均收人的提高”译成With the rise in per capitaincomes。

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