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用考网【翻译】 编辑:楚欣 发布时间:2016-01-05 09:02:25



  《西游记》(Journey to the West)是中国四大名著之一。16世纪90年代,明朝时期,《西游记》匿名出版,虽然没有现存证据直接证明该书作者,但20世纪以来,人们一直认为作者是学者吴承恩。这部小说是关于唐朝佛教和尚玄奘,为取得佛教经书(Buddhist scriptures),前往印度的朝圣之旅。观音菩萨(the Bodhisattva Guanyin)受佛祖指令,将西行取经的任务交给玄奘和三个负责保护玄奘的徒弟—孙悟空、猪八戒、沙悟净,还有一个龙太子变做玄奘的坐骑。这四人同意帮助玄奘西行,也是为他们犯下的罪行进行忏悔。


  Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China.Published first anonymously in the 1590s during the Ming Dynasty,and even though there is no direct evidence of its authorship, it has been said that the author is Wu Cheng'en since the 20th century.The novel is about the legends of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang's pilgrimage to India during the Tang dynasty in order to obtain Buddhist scriptures.Instructed by the Buddha, the Bodhisattva Guanyin assigns this task to the monk and his three protectors in the form of disciples, namely Sunwukong, Zhubajie, Shawujing,together with a dragon prince who acts as Xuanzang's horse.These four characters have agreed to help Xuanzang go to the West as confession for their past sins.



  火车票实名制(name-based train ticket system)有利于维护公民乘坐火车的权利,改变当前火车票售卖过程中的不公平现象。铁路系统是公共资源,火车票实名制规范售票、检票程序,使资源得到公平分配,有利于维护乘客利益。实名制在一定程度上遏制了票贩子(ticket scalper),缓解了购票难的问题。火车票实名制的初衷就是要解决买票难的问题,使火车票到达真正需要的人手里。可以说,火车票实名制使车票资源更加丰富,进一步保障了旅客的权益。


  Name-based train ticket system can help protectcitizens'right to take trains and avoid inequality inselling train tickets currently.The railway is a publicresource.Name-based train ticket system hasstandardized tickets selling and checkingprocedure,which guarantees equal distribution of ticket resource and can help protectpassengers'rights.To some extent,the name-based system suppresses ticket scalpers andpartly solves the difficulty of buying a train ticket.The name-based system is originally aimed atsolving the problem of being hard to buy train tickets,thus sending train tickets to theneeded.So to speak,by making ticket resource more sufficient,the name-based train ticketsystem further safeguards passengers'rights.



  当前,随着构建社会主义新农村步伐的推进,“大学生村官"(college-graduate village officials)已成为热门话题。不少髙校毕业的大学生走进农村,他们在新农村的建设中做出了重大贡献。大学生到农村任职,对新农村建设起着积极的推动作用,对大学生自己来说更是一种锤炼。这将对当代大学生人生目标的追求和行为价值产生积极作用,同时也会使已“走马上任”的大学生村官们对自己所肩负的社会责任和使命更加认同。


  Nowadays,with the furthering of a new socialist countryside construction,college-graduate village officials have become a hot topic.Many college graduates go to rural areas and have made great contributions to the construction of a new socialist countryside.Working in villages can promote construction of new rural communities and it is also a kind of training for college graduates.It will exert a positive effect on college graduates'goal for life and behavior value.At the same time,it will also enable the college-graduate village officials in office better identify the social responsibility and mission on their shoulders.

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