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用考网【翻译】 编辑:楚欣 发布时间:2015-12-30 10:40:57



  冰灯(ice lantern)是中国北方广泛创作的冬季艺术品。它最初是为了照明,在 寒冷的冬夜为中国北方的农民和渔民的工作生活提供光源。后来,各种形状和大 小的水晶般透明的冰灯逐渐成为一种民间艺术,冰灯博览会(fair)成为北方特有 的民俗休闲活动。黑龙江省省会哈尔滨是中国冰雪艺术的发源地。1963年元宵节 期间,哈尔滨市在公园举办了首届冰灯博览会,几千盏冰灯和几十枝冰花展出, 冰灯和冰花由简单的工具制成,如结冰的盆和篮子。后来,大型年度冰灯博览会 每年都在哈尔滨举行。


  An ice lantern is a wintertime work of art widelycreated in north China. It was originally made forillumination, providing a light source for the life andwork of farmers and fishermen of north China oncold winter night. Later, the crystal-clear ice lanternsof all shapes and sizes gradually became a folk art and an ice lantern fair became a folkrecreational activity unique to the north. Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, is thebirthplace of Chinese ice and snow art. During the Lantern Festival in 1963,the city hosted thevery first ice lantern feir in the park, during which over a thousand ice lanterns and dozens ofice flowers made with simple tools like basins and basket for freezing were on display. Later, alarge-scale annual ice lantern feir was held each year in Harbin.



  围棋是两位对弈者之间战略性的棋盘游戏(board game)。围棋已有 3000多年的历史,可以说是所有古代棋类游戏的起源。围棋的规则很简单,但是有数不尽的策略。这就是围棋的魅力所在。下一盘围棋的时间短至15分钟,长至数天。但是多数情况下,下一盘围棋需要一或两个小时。围棋是综合科学、艺术和竞赛的游戏。围棋对于智力发展、性格培养和灵活的策略学习非常有益。难怪围棋已经流行了几千年,并逐渐成为一项国际文化游戏。


  Weiqi is a strategic board game between two players. With a history of over 3,000 years, the game can be regarded as the originator of all ancient chess games.The rules of Weiqi are very simple but there are countless variations of strategies.This is where the beauty of the game lies. The time for one round of weiqi can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as a few days. In most cases, though, it takes one or two hours to finish one round. Weiqi is a game that combines science, art and competition. It's beneficial for intelligence development, personality cultivation and flexible strategy learning. It's no wonder the game having been popular for thousands of years and is gradually becoming an international cultural game.

  1.对弈者:可译为two players。

  2.可以说是所有古代棋类游戏的起源:“可以说”可理解为“可以被认为是”,故译为can be regarded as; “起源”可译为the originator of; “所有古代棋类游戏” 译为 allancient chess games。

  3.数不尽的策略:可译为countless variations ofstrategies。其中variations意为“种 类,变体”。

  4.这就是围棋的魅力所在:可译为This is where the beauty of the game lies。“这就是...的所在”通常可译为This is where...lies。

  5.智力发展、性格培养和灵活的策略学习:分别译为intelligence development,personalitycultivation and flexible strategy learning。



  白蛇传(Legend of the White Snake)是中国古代民间流传的最著名的故事之一。故事说,因渴望人间生活,白蛇来到人间,与书生许仙结婚。然而,这桩姻缘遭到僧人法海的反对。于是法海将白蛇困于西湖岸边的雷峰塔(Leifeng Pagoda)下。这个故事发生于杭州西湖边上。直到今天,观赏景点时,游客仍会想起白蛇的故事。白蛇传源于唐代和五代十国时期(the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms), 明清时流传下来。后来,这个故事的影响越来越大,成了中国广为人知的故事。另外,白蛇传在其他国家得以流传,如日本、朝鲜、越南和印度。


  Legend of the White Snake is one of the most famous tales spreading out among folks in ancient China. The tale goes that a white snake came to the human world as she was longing for human life,and married a scholar named Xu Xian.However,this marriage was opposed by Fahai,a Buddhist monk.He then incarcerated the white snake under Leifeng Pagoda at the bank of the West Lake.The legend happened in the West Lake of Hangzhou. Up to now,visitors may still recall the story as they view and admire this scenic spot. Legend of the White Snake originated in the Tang Dynasty,the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and was handed down through the Ming and Qing Dynasties.It has later experienced an ever expanding influence and has become widely known in China;moreover, it spreads in many countries such as Japan, North Korea,Vietnam, and India.

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