用考网 > 外语类 > 英语六级 > 翻译 > 《2015年6月英语六级翻译参考译文及点评:汉朝》正文


用考网【翻译】 编辑:郭宁静 发布时间:2015-08-27 10:19:18


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.




  The han dynasty is one of the most significant dynasties in the history of China and it attained lots of remarkable achievements during the reign. The han dynasty is the first in opening its door to other cultures, with the foreign trade prosperous. The Silk Road exploited in han dynasty lead to the central and west part of Asia, even Rome. The schools of art also present a state of flourish, springing up lots of monumental works in literature, history and philosophy. The first dictionary in China was compiled and finished in 100 A.D., which not only contains nine thousand Chinese characters, but also offers paraphrases and examples of different writing skills. Science and technology also made much progress during this period. People invented water clock, sundials and the instruments that can predict the earthquake. The han dynasty witnessed four hundred years and went to doom because of governors’ decadent.



  汉朝 The han dynasty

  统治 reign

  显著的 remarkable

  对外贸易 foreign trade

  兴旺 prosperity

  开拓 exploit

  丝绸之路 the Silk Road

  罗马 Rome

  艺术流派 schools of art

  巨著 monumental work

  编撰 compile

  释义 paraphrase

  水钟 water clock

  腐朽 decadent

  灭亡 doom

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