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用考网【翻译】 编辑:未知 发布时间:2015-01-11 09:44:14
  相声(comic dialogue)起源于北京,流行于全国各地。一般认为于清咸丰、同治年间形成。它是一种历史悠久、流传较广、有深厚群众基础的曲艺表演形式。表演形式有单口、对口、群口三种。单口相声(monologue talk)由一个演员表演,讲述笑话;对口相声由两个演员一问一答;群口相声由三个以上演员表演。传统曲目以讽刺旧社会各种丑恶现象和通过诙谐的叙述反映各种生活现象为主,解放后除继续发扬讽刺传统外,也有歌颂(sing the praises of)新人新事的作品。

  Comic dialogue originated in Beijing, and is popular in all parts of China. It's generally believed that comic dialogue emerged as a new culture during the time of Xianfeng and Tongzhi Emperors of Qing Dynasty. It's a type of art and opera performance with long history, being widely popular and loved by broad masses of people. There are 3 types of performance, namely monologue talk, cross talk, multi-show talk. Monologue talk is performed by one person, talking on jokes; cross talk is performed by two people interacting with each other; multi-show talk is performed by three or more people. Traditional themes focus on satirizing social evils in history or humorously illustrating various phenomena in society. After liberation of China, in addition to the tradition of satire style, some art performance sings the praises of new deeds at new times.

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