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用考网【阅读理解】 编辑:楚欣 发布时间:2016-01-08 11:34:10



  There is evidence that the usual variety of high blood pressure is,in part,a familiar disease.Since families have similar genes as well as similar environments,familiar diseases could be due to shared genetic influences,to shared environmental factors,or to both.For some years,the role of one environmental factor commonly shared by families,namely dietary salt(i.e.,sodium chloride),has been studied at Brookhaven National Laboratory.These studies suggest that chromic excess salt ingestion can lead to high blood pressure in man and animals.Some individuals,however,and some rats consume large amounts of salt without developing high blood pressure.No matter how strictly all environmental factors were controlled in these experiments,some salt-fed animals never developed hypertension whereas a few rapidly developed very severe hypertension followed by early death.These marked variations were interpreted to result from differences in genetic constitution.

  By mating is successive generations only those animals that failed to develop hypertension from salt ingestion,a resistant strain(the "R" Strain)has been evolved in which consumption of large quantities of salt fails to influence the blood pressure significantly.In contrast,by mating only animals that quickly develop hypertension from salt,a sensitive strain("S" strain)has also been developed.

  The availability of these tow strains permits investgations not heretofore possible.They provide a plausible laboratory model on which to investigate some clinical aspects of the human prototypes of hypertension.More important,there might be the possibility of developing methods by which genetic susceptibility of human beings to high blood pressure can be defined without waiting for its appearance.Radioactive sodium 22 was an important "tool" in working out the characteristics of the sodium chloride metabolism.

  1.The study of the effects of salt on high blood pressure was carried out ______.

  a.as members of the same family tend to use similar amounts of salt

  b.to explore the long-term use of a sodium based substance

  c.because it was proven that salt caused high blood pressure

  d.because of the availability of chemically pure salt and its derivatives

  2.The main difference between "S" and "R" rats is their ______.

  a.need for sodium 22

  b.rate of mating

  c.reaction to salt

  d.type of blood

  3.We can infer from the article that sodium 22 can de used to ______.

  a.control high blood pressure

  b.cure high blood pressure caused by salt

  c.tell the "S" rats from the "R" rats

  d.determine what a sodium chloride metabolism is like

  4.The most beneficial results of the research might be ______.

  a.development of diets free of salt

  b.an early cure for high blood pressure

  c.control of genetic agents that cause high blood pressure

  d.the early identification of potential high blood pressure victims

  5.Which of the statements best relates the main idea of this article?

  a.When salt is added rats and human beings react similarly.

  b.The near future will see a cure for high blood pressure.

  c.The medical field is desperately in need of research.

  d.A tendency toward high blood pressure may be a hereditary factor.








  Directions: In this section, there is apassage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blankfrom a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bankis identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each itemon Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any ofthe words in the bank more than once.

  What is itabout Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 1__________ about itafterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food.We’re 2__________ with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemicof obesity(肥胖). Perhapsthe 3__________ to this ambivalence(矛盾情结) lies in our history. The first Europeans came to this continentsearching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(经济作物) wasn’t eaten but smoked. Thenthere was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouragingmore 4__________ ways of doing it.

  Theimmigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmony. Do as Romans do meanseating what “real Americans” eat, but our nation’s food has come to be 5__________ byimports—pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treasuredcooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles.

  Perhaps itshould come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation’sdefining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit?ins at southernlunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even moralitywhether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat forpolitical 6__________

  But strongopinions have not brought 7__________ . Americans are ambivalent about what theyput in their mouths. We have become 8__________ of our foods, especially as welearn more about what they contain.

  The 9__________ infood is still prosperous in the American consciousness. It’s no coincidence,then, that the first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in suchbondage(束缚). It’s whatwe eat—and how we 10__________ it with friends, family, and strangers—that helpdefine America as a community today.

  A. answer

  B. result

  C. share

  D. guilty

  E. constant

  F. defined

  G. vanish

  H. adapted

  I. creative

  J. belief

  K. suspicious

  L. certainty

  M. obsessed

  N. identify

  O. ideals















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