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用考网【作文】 编辑:焯杰 发布时间:2016-01-25 17:26:16



  1 .现在越来越多的人加人志愿者的队伍

  2. 志愿者的意义

  3. 我的看法


  On Volunteer

  In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread widely among the public, especially among youngsters. From Olympic Games to urban communities, many people are seen to offer free help.

  Volunteering is of tremendous benefit to those in need. For example, hundreds of thousands of volunteers played an active role in the recent quake-hit Yushu area: they offered medical and psychological aid to the victims in the relief work. On the other hand, volunteering is beneficial to the volunteers themselves too. Involved in volunteering activities, people are exposed to new circumstancesj and they can learn how to work well in a team and how to improve their interpersonal skills, all of which are critical for their career development.

  In my view, we should all join in volunteering work as long as we have spare time. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we all volunteer in regions struck by natural disasters. There are many people eise who need our help, i.e. the old or the sick in the near nursing home. Little by EittJe, we are sure to help make the world better.


  1. 目前许多人扔垃圾时不分类

  2. 由此带来的问题

  3. 提倡垃圾分类的意义

  Waste Sorting

  Most people haven’t formed the habit of and committed themselves to waste sorting now in China. They would throw their domestic garbage — kitchen refuse, abandoned plastics and papers,broken china and glass, etc. — all into the same public containers, without'thinking whether they are recyclable or not.

  This, obviously, will reduce the value of stuff that can be recycled or reused, such as plastics and papers. Besides,the growing amount of garbage makes the building of more landfills necessary, which will worsen the shortage of land. Worse still,disposing of the recyclable waste like plastics by burning will give off toxic smoke which seriously pollutes the air. ID this sense, throwing the trash unsorted should not be advocated, no matter from the perspective of economy or protecting the environment.

  On the contrary, if we sort out recyclable waste before throwing them away, the amount of trash will be reduced sharply. Accordingly, the cost of runmng landfills and treating waste will be brought down greatly. Whafs more important, less waste will have to be burned or buried, meaning resources waste and pollution will be reduced. Therefore, economically and eavironmentally, it is of great significance to call for waste sorting.

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