用考网 > 外语类 > 英语六级 > 语法 > 《英语六级考前语法精析之动名词》正文


用考网【语法】 编辑:未知 发布时间:2014-12-25 13:35:56


  acknowledge, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, admit, confess, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, favor, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, justify, mention, pardon, practice, postpone, recall,recollect,risk, resist, suggest, tolerate。如:

  I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.



  object to, resort to, react to, contribute to, look forward to, be accustomed to, be committed to, be exposed to, be subjected to, be devoted to, be dedicated to, be opposed to, be reconciled to, be contrary to, be (get) used to, come close to, get down to, give oneself up to, prefer…to, see to, set to, take to, in addition to, with regard to, with a view to, on the way to

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